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"Come on Peter! Its almost sunrise!" I yell to my friend Peter Pan. He owns an island called Neverland, he's like the king. "Alright little lost girl, I'm coming." I sit on the edge ready to watch the sunrise before i wake up and have to leave Neverland. "Would you look at that. Look how beautiful the water looks, crisp and blue." Peter says sitting next to me. "Peter your my only friend." I say giving him a hug and sitting in his lap. "And you McKenzie will always be my little lost girl. Have a good day, and if that girl pushes you again on the play ground...Rip her shadow out." I laugh at his remark. "Goodbye Peter." I say hugging him again. "Goodbye Lost Girl."

                                                                                                                                     11 Years Later

I walk into a little diner called Grannies. Once I walking everyone seemed to be watching my every move. "Excuse me, does Emma Swan live in this town?" I ask the girl behind the counter. "She sure does. Why?" She asks. "When you see her would you please give her this?" I ask her handing her a letter. "Sure thing. What's your name?" I smile at her and make my way to the door. "She doesn't need my name to figure out what it means." I walk out of the dinner and to my car driving to the docks. All I have to do now is wait.

Emma POV:
"Alright kid. It's your pick." I say to Henry walking into Granny's. "Oh, Emma. Some girl came in and asked me to give this to you." Ruby says coming over to us. "What's her name?" I ask grabbing the paper. "She didn't leave one; said you didn't need it to figure it out." She says shrugging her shoulders. I unfold the paper and look over the note 'I spy with my little eye a beautiful swan dancing by the water. Come find me.' "What is it?" Henry questions me looking at the note. "My younger sister, well really an old friend from when I was in the system. She's here." I say smiling to myself. "Well, let's go find her! Come on! This is big!" He exclaims and runs out to my car.

I walk out after him and crank up the engine. "Where is she then?" Henry asks bouncing in his seat. "The docks," I say eagerly driving there. Once we get to the docks Henry jumps out of his seat and runs around looking for her. "Hi, I'm Henry!" I hear him say excitedly. "Oh um, hey Henry my names (y/n) Colon." I walk around the corner and run to my friend and hug her. "I missed you so much!" I say holding her tight. "I missed you more!" She says laughing into my hair.

"Well, you got here by driving so expect your 16? How did you get money for a car?" I ask her still shocked. "Yea hard to believe you were singing me to sleep when you were 12 huh? Oh, and I didn't get money for it." She mumbles the last part. "(y/n)," I say laughing at her. "What? It was just sitting there saying 'take me! Please! I've always wanted to go on a hit and run!" She says making me laugh again.

"Are you staying here?" I ask her hopefully. "Of course I am! I'm staying at Granny's." She says as if I was crazy. "Ohh you know what we should do?" I ask her acting if I was 15 again. "Have a sleepover?" She asks jumping up and down. "Yes!" I cheer.

"Come on you've got school in the morning and it's getting late," I say to Henry. "I'm room 19." (y/n) says getting into her car and driving off. Once Henry and I get to the apartment I bring out a bag and start packing a change of clothes and some movies for the heck of it. "Going somewhere?" David asks. "She's going to have a sleep over." Henry says from the bathroom brushing his teeth. "A sleep over? With who?" Mary Margret asks. "My old friend hunted me down and she's staying here for a while. She was basically my little sister. I was 12 when she was dropped off into the system and I practically raised her as my sister." I say zipping up the bag. "I'll be back before Henry goes to school. Goodnight Henry I love you." I say kissing my son on the head and walking out.

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