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(y/n) POV:
I can't even look at Henry while he's in that body. "You alright kid?" Emma asks her son. "I'm just...ready to be me again." He replies in Peters's voice. "Not much longer now, Henry. Not much longer. Once we have the wand, all will be as it should." Gold says looking through a book.

I pass time by looking through my phone and taking glances and Henry. Why can't they see Peter as I do? Can they just give him one chance? "She's back-- the blue fairy. She gave us the wand." David says walking in. "Do we need anything else?" "Only one more item." Gold says and gets out a black cuff. "When Pan is back in his own body all his magic will be blocked." He says putting it on Henry's wrist.

"So what happens now?" I ask. "I enact the spell, Henry will fall into a deep sleep, and when he awakes he will be back in his own body. and then he brings us the scroll." Gold says. "When I gave my heart to Pan...I thought I was being a hero. I'm sorry." Henry says.

"You're not the one that needs to be sorry," David says. "It's time." Gold says and Henry lays flat on the bed. "Keep your eye on the wand." He says and touches Henry's head with it. Instantly Peters's body beings to shake and jolt as if he was being electrocuted. "What's happening?" I ask. "Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body." Seconds later he stops shaking and lays still. "Let's go find our son," Emma says walking out.

"(y/n) are you coming?" David asks. "I need to say goodbye first," I say and walk near Peter. I lift his head and lay it on my lap brushing his hair out of his face. "So what are you gonna call it?" Gold asks with a smirk. "What are you talking about?" "Oh, you know...The child. Concealer charm. Clever, but still noticed. You're more than showing so that would be...7 months? Neverlands a funny place for things to grow huh dearie? He was never meant to be a father."

"I'm not stupid I know how this ends. There's nothing I can do about it. I know I'm in the wrong." "Good girl. There's just one more thing I need from you." He says and walks to me with a glass vile. "A tear." "A tear? Why do you need my tear?" "My business. Now think of this moment. No chance of ever seeing him again, having to raise your child alone." Tears stream down my cheeks and Gold collects them in the vile. "You're evil." I spit at him. He smirks at me walking out. "Oh, I know dearie."

Seconds later Peter opens his eyes. "Hello love." He smiles up at me. "I thought you were gone," I say kissing him. "I always come back." He says and brings me in for another kiss.

"Oh, how I hate to break this touching moment up but times waisting." Gold says grabbing my arm and throwing me out the door. "I love you!" Peter shouts at me. "I love you too lost girl," I say before Gold pushes me out of the shop.

I turn around to see my mother on the ground. "MOM!" I run up to them. She opens her eyes and stands up. "What happened? Are you okay?" Emma asks. "Yes I'm fine it was just...I saw what needed to be done." She says looking at Henry and me. "Are you going to be okay?" Henry asks. "The important thing is, you and (y/n) will be." She says hugging both of us.

"No, they won't. Well, Henry won't be anyway. My little lost girl will be safe and sound with me." Peter smirks. "He has the--" Hook starts to speak but Peter freezes all of us. "Curse? That I do. Look at you all, a captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls couldn't I? But I think I'll start with these two. Hmm, you both look so adorable. Hard to tell which one to kill first. No, it isn't. You. You first." Peter growls at Neal.

"You stay away from them!" Gold pulls Peter away roughly. "Well how about this? The worm has teeth. Are you here to protect your loved ones?" "I'm not going to let you touch either one of them." "Oh, I'd like to see that." "Oh, you will. Because I have a job to finish. And what needs to be done has a prince-- a price I'm finally willing to pay. I used the curse to find you, Bae, to tell you I made a mistake, to make sure you had a chance at happiness. and that happiness is possible-- just not with me. I love you Bae, and I love you, Belle. You made me stronger." "Oh, pretty words. Oh and stronger? Yes, but still...No magic." "I don't need it you see, you made have lost your shadow but there's one thing you're forgetting." "And what's that?" "So have I. I sent it away with something to hide."

Gold raises his hand and his shadow brings him his dagger going back into Gold and pulling Peter to him. "Uh! What are you doing?" Peter grunts trying to get out of his grip. "The only way for you to die is if we both die, and now...now I'm ready." Gold says and stabs the dagger into Peters's back.

Peter looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry my love." He yells out in pain and Peter turns into an adult. "Hello, Papa." "Rumple please, remove the dagger, we can start over. We can have a happy ending." "Ah but I'm a villain and villains don't get happy endings." Gold twists the dagger. "Goodbye my little lost girl," Peter says to me before he turns into smoke and fades out of existence. My Peter Pan is gone forever.

The scroll falls to the ground and the spell is lifted. I knew this was going to happen and I thought I was prepared but how on earth can someone prepare for the death of their true love? I fall to the ground and just stare at the empty space where Peter once stood.

I thought I felt empty when he was in the box but this is even worse. I'm so empty I can't even cry. Nothing is working. All I can do is stare at the road.

My mother picks up the scroll and stares at it. "Regina? Are you okay?" Mary Margret questions. "I'm fine." She answers. "Belle," I say and move closer to her. She looks at me tears flowing out of her eyes. "I'm so sorry," I say to her. "I am too. We both lost our loves today." She says and clings to me for a hug.

"Regina doesn't let him die for nothing," Neal speaks his voice cracking. "Regina." "What?" "We're here for a reason Luv. Pan?" Hook asks. "He's dead," I answer my voice weak.

"His curse remains. Can you stop it? Or should we all start preparing our souls? Cause mine's gonna take some time." Hook says asks. "It's here! The curse! It's here! It's coming! From all sides, there's no escape." Leroy yells coming to us. "It's not too late. We can still stop it right?" David asks. "Regina?" "Yes. Yes." "Well, what's our price. Gold said there was a price?" Emma asks.

"It's not our prince. It's my price. It's what I felt when I... First held it. I have to say goodbye to the thing I love most. Or in this case, the things I love most." My mother says looking at Henry and me. "I can never see them again. I have no choice. I have to undo what I started." She says

"The curse that brought us to Storybrooke." "That created Storybrooke. It doesn't belong here and neither do any of us." "Breaking the curse destroys the town." "Yes. It will wink out of existence as if it were never here, and everyone would go back to where they're from, prevented from ever returning."

"You'll go back to the enchanted forest," Emma says getting the idea. "All of us. Except for Henry and (y/n). They will stay here because they were born here. Or in (y/n)'s case reborn here." "Alone?" Emma asks putting a hand on our shoulders. "No, you will take them because you're the savior. You were created to break the curse, and once again, you can escape it."

"No all 3 of us will go back with everyone," Emma says. "That's not an option. I can't be with them. If I don't pay the price none of this will work. "Mommy," I say and hug my mother tightly. "I love you," I say into her coat. "I love you too."

"Now it's time. You have to go." She says to us. As everyone says their goodbyes my emotions drive up to a full 100. I hug everyone, even Hook. I walk over to my mother for one final goodbye. "Goodbye mom," I say hugging her. "Goodbye (y/n)." She smiles at me and kisses my head. "I love you, baby girl." "I love you too," I say and walk back to the car where Emma and Henry are waiting. I give everyone one last smile and get into the car and we drive over the town line.

"So was that a good trip or what?" Emma laughs driving. I have to tell her. She'll understand, right? "Emma I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "I-I'm pregnant." Emma slams on the breaks. "What by who?" "I don't know. It was that night we went out." "(y/n)...That was 7 months ago!" "Yeah, that kinda explains the excessive baggy shirts. Please don't get mad I was just so nervous."

"I'm not mad. We're gonna get through this." My best friend says smiling at me. "No wonder! I thought you were getting fat!" Henry laughs from the back. "HENRY!" We shriek in laughter.

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