Chapter 2: Tango

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Translations to Galactic/Latin meanings are revealed in the chapter. They are just watcher names for stuff. I can provide explanations in the comments for anyone confused

I'm close to collapse as we return to the Watcher lands, relying on another Watcher for support... even while pretending they know me, the Hermits hit hard. Especially the one after... after...


I shake it from my head, hiding my regret, aware of the others observing my every move... another leader approaches. The 𝙹ᒲリᒷᓭ !¡∷𝙹ℸ ̣ 𝙹⊣ᒷリᓭ, All-protecting. With their long silver hair and halo of eyes covering their face.

'Did you find success?'

'Our missing Watcher did not return with us. But we killed a few. And we took this one instead.' 

I See the player pushed forwards by the leader at the front. Red sweater, tangled hair, blood and what appears to be oil on his clothes... There's a murmur among the group.

'The rest of you go.'

'But... is...'

'It is not  ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ. Go.'

I follow the rest of the Watchers out into the rest of the fortress, towards my home... I need rest. I need some kind of medical help... a quick fix of my health isn't enough to stop the pain and exhaustion. It doesn't take long to reach my room, pull off my mask, cloak, clear my inventory and collapse on my bed. Thought come and go in a blur... who was the Hermit I killed? Jimmy? Who was he? Why does everyone there pretend they know me? Who is Impulse? What I do have to do with them, if it isn't just one cruel bluff... I don't know, and fall asleep before I can figure out. 

I run through the broken buildings, sword in hand, slashing at any and all Hermits who get too close... All pretending they know me. All pretending they care about me, and that I should care about them. Hiding in the tower, friends around me. Watchers around me. Slaying the Hermit as his friend screams his name... 

'Kill me.' A different voice. Someone I don't know. 'Just do it.'


I wake up, panting for breath, grief filling me... why? Who's Bdubs? Why did he want to die?

'Tango, ꖎ⚍↸⚍ᒲ ↸𝙹ᒲ╎リ╎.'  My attention turns to the Watcher at the door. The leader of the All-Creating Watchers, my group. 

'Hello? Yes? What do you want?' I reply in Galactic. 

'You are aware we did not get back your friend and teacher, Pearl, yes?'

I nod, memories of the fight overriding those of Bdubs, whoever he was. We went to get back Pearl. And we didn't return with her. Why? Why did we give up?

'Why did we surrender?' I demand, standing. 'We didn't need to give up...We could've got her back!'

'We had lost too much already. And surrender is better than defeat against Vexlings.'

'She was my friend!'

'She was a very powerful Watcher. We will get her back later. I promise.'

'But...' I run after as they turn to leave. 'But please...'

'I will take over as your teacher.'

I stop in my tracks.

'Permanently or...'

'For now, you will be my student. When Pearl returns she will return to her role of teaching you. Follow me.'

I grab my mask and cloak quickly, tying them on. My injuries have improved with the rest, but I'm still slow, struggling to keep up with the long strides of the 𝙹ᒲリ╎ᓭ  ᓵ∷ᒷᔑリ↸𝙹. It still doesn't take long to reach a large empty office. My eyes wander around at the walls, the huge desk humming with strange objects I don't recognise, pictures, a huge board of pinned images... 

'We are here for training.' With a sweep of their hand, the distractions are covered in purple fabrics. 'Questions about my possessions can be answered later. Sit.'

I take a chair. My new teacher teleports across the room to the other. 

'Show me what you already know. All of it. I will train you from there.'

So I do, obediently showing and explaining my current abilities... basic Seeing and Watching, knowledge of Listener and Vexling abilites, commands to summon items, change block-types and attack enemies, general fighting skills. A while later I finish. I pretend the leader is impressed below their neutral expression.

'Well done. Now, I can see you've been taught well in fighting skills. So it is my job to show the more creative, artistic side of the all-creating watchers.' I observe, amazed, as the watcher effortlessly summons a flower that I've never seen before, handing it to me. 'You will be aware of block-modification from modded worlds, but what I will teach you is different. It's a higher skill, it is block-creation, making whatever you wish, creating and changing every rule of every block effortlessly. What players spend days and weeks of their life, you will do in seconds. It is the power that puts Watchers aside from the mortal !¡∷𝙹⎓ᔑリ⚍ᓭ. It is a power I can already see you mastering quickly.'

For the rest of the day, I listen and start to build abilities to imagine objects that don't exist in complete detail. By the end, I'm mentally exhausted, barely able to wish the Watcher leader goodbye... I pause outside the room, trying to remember the route back and not wanting to ask the 𝙹ᒲリ╎ᓭ ᓵ∷ᒷᔑリ↸𝙹. A glance back. They're focussed on a book in their hands. Every instinct fights whether to leave now or... investigate. 

I See what they're looking at. Just for a moment. 

Tango, ꖎ⚍↸⚍ᒲ ↸𝙹ᒲ╎リ╎, Gamemaker

-All-creating trainee

-Doesn't remember his past


What the-

'Tango? Can I help you with something?'

They know I'm here.

I flee.

Mimd scrambling for answers, terror blinding me, I flee with extra flee, hoping I've gone the right way. I pull up a shield around myself, not knowing if the leader is going to attack... even if they do, this won't be enough... I navigate to my room, enter, and slam the door behind.

I stay in front of it, panting for breath, heart racing. The words don't fade, branded in my mind.

Doesn't remember his past.

I don't remember my past. 

I don't know who I am.

I could've been anyone.

I could've been a hermit.

The hermits telling me they knew could've been right... 

I summon an empty book and quill into my inventory, sitting on the edge of my bed to write.


Decked out

Bdubs - dead?


I'm going to find out who I am.

Welcome to plotline number 2

I can assure you. 

Even more are coming-

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