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3rd POV:
After Zoro cuts Buggy up, he stares at the body for a good minute as he remembers what Max has told him about Buggy.


On his way to find Luffy, he hears a scratch from the inside of the wooden box. "Zoro, be careful of Buggy when you cut him up...." Max said, as Zoro stops walking.

"Huh?" "Dumbass! They told you that Buggy has a devil fruit, but they didn't say what type of devil fruit he had!"

The wooden door opens and comes out Max in a child form as she looks up at Zoro. "He has the bara bara no mi(chop chop fruit), it's a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to split their own body into pieces and control them however they wish."

"This devil also makes the user immune to slashing attacks, making them a Splitting Human. Long story short, you can't use swords to cut them up as it doesn't affect them."

Max finishes explaining and walks away to find Luffy before Zoro hits her with a question that she was not ready.

"How do you know what devil fruit he eaten?" Zoro noticed how Max flinches at the question before continuing. "Anyone outside of Buggy's crew doesn't know what devil fruit he has, however you do and you aren't in his crew...."

Max gulps as she grows to normal size, sweating nervously. "I-I just know, okay! That's for me to know and for you to let it go! Let's drop this and go find Luffy!"

Max took a step before being pulls back into a hard chest and a rough hand on their waist. "I've almost noticed how you knew where the bullet will point to at Shells Town..... Isn't that convenient, hmmm......"

Zoro whisperd in her ear, smirking devilish while his hand slowly moved up a bit. They felt a shiver down their spine and moved away, blushing.

"Hehe, you're funny jiggly puff....! I just know because I've seen it before...... Well, I really haven't told anyone about this secret cause....... I'm afraid that they'll see me differently.....maybe in the future I'll be able to tell you guys, but now's not the time......"

"Now! Let's go find Luffy, he's on the roof of a bar!" Max's mood quickly changed and grabs his hand. "Hey everybody!! It's your favorite boi!!"

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