Newborn Army

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Japser and Marinette walk towards Bella, Edward, Seth and Jacob as they speak.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's and Nette's scent. It needs to end here." Jasper tells Jacob and Seth.

"But it'll be harder for them to find Nette since her scent is very hard to smell."

"Edward and I are going on a campsite. Even if he carries me, and Japser carrie's M they'll still pick up our scents." Bella tells the boys as they look at her.

"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward tells Jacob. "Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob tells him.

"What he means, is that your scent will mask mine if you carry Bella and Seth carries me." Marinette tells him.

"Done." Jacob says as Seth smiles and nods innocently. "This is not a good idea." Edward tells Japser. "Edward. They won't want to get anywhere near their... odor." Japser tells them as Marinette chuckles.

"Okay, let's just try it." Bella says as Jacob picks her up. "Ready Bud?" Marinette asks Seth as he nods and she jumps on his back. "Eau de wolf, comin' up." Jacob says as Edward tells them to run.



Marinette kisses Jasper as he lets her get off his back. "I love you." "And I love you." Jasper tells her as Seth comes and she gets on his back as they make their way up the mountain with Jacob as he hold Bella following them.

Edward stands by the tent pacing, waiting. He's acutely relieved to see Bella and Marinette. He hugs Bella and pats Marinette's head and she ruffles Bella's hair. "Thank you both of you." Edward tells them as they nod and Seth leaves hugging Marinette.

"You should get back before the storm hits." Bella tells them. "No, Im staying staying. You'll need my connection to the pack, to keep tabs on what's going on." Jacob tells her as they all nod.

"You're not going to fight?" Bella ask him. "Yea I am but Seth isn't. He's not happy about missing the action, but it'll keep him out of trouble." Jacob says as Marinette chuckles.

"Let's get you both inside." Edward tells the girls making them nod.


Marinette is soundly asleep warm at the corner because of her over heated body temperature unknowingly to Edward and Bella but Jacob.

Bella shivers form the cold as her teeth rattle. "I should have chosen a site lower down." Edward tells her as he looks at her in sadness.

"No, It's fine. I'm okay." "What can I do?"

"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on." Jacob says as he enters the tent. "Forget it." Edward tells him as he reads his mind. "She may need her toes someday. And let's face it... I'm hotter than you."

"Get your hand off me." "Get your hands off her." "Don't fight." "She gets sick, it's on you."

"Why. you're freezing, Bella. Relax, You'll warm up soon. Faster if you took your clothes off." "Jake" "Survival one oh one." Jacob says as Edward glares at him.

"What about M?" Bella asks as Edward looks at Marinette. "She's not shivering and her mind seems peaceful." Edward says confused.

"She did live in Russia. And at some point she didn't have anywhere but the train station I'm sure she got used to the cold snow." Jacob says quickly coming up with an excuse to not raise any suspicion.

"It's awful what's she had to go through that. She was only 10." Bella says as she starts to fall asleep.

"Mari's okay now and she's happy with Japser." Edward says smiling as he looks at Marinette as Bella falls asleep.

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