Port Angeles Disaster

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The sun has come out and so has the skin. Kids are in shorts and eating outside as Marinette wears a dress.

Bella looks around for Edward as Marinette texts her boyfriend knowing about their disco ball body in sunshine. "Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear." Jessica tells Bella.

"They just... ditch?" Bella asks confused. "No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em out for hiking and camping and stuff. I tried the idea out on my parents. Not even close." Jessica tells them as Angela jumps on them.

"I'm going to the prom with Eric! just asked him, I took control!" Angela says hugging Marinette and Bella.

"Are you sure you have to go out of town?" Angela asks Bella. "It's a family thing." Bella tells her as she nods. "What bout you Marinette?" Angela asks her smiling. "I'm going with my boyfriend." She tells Angela as she squeals.

"Oh my God, we need to hit the stores in Port Angeles before the dresses get cleaned out." Jessica tells the girls.

"Port Angeles? Can I go with you guys?" Bella asks them as they nod.

"Thank God. We need your opinion." Angela says smiling.



"I think this halter makes my boobs
look big. What do you think, Bella?" Jessica asks her as Marinette looks for a dress.

"It looks great." Bella tells her. "You said that about the last five dresses." Jessica tells her as Marinette comes out in a beautiful red and black dress.

"Omg you look so good!" Angela tells Marinette. "Yea it's the one M." "It goes great with your hair color!"

Marinette smiles at them as she looks at herself in a mirror. "I love it." She says as she walks towards them and takes a picture with them.

Suddenly they hear knocking on the window. They see guys cat calling them and making them uncomfortable. Marinette flips them off as they walk away laughing.

"Maybe I should just go check out the
book store and meet you at the restaurant later." Bella tells them. "Wait Bells I'll come with." Marinette says as she goes to pay for her dress.

"You sure?" Angela asks her as Marinette come back with a medium sized bag. Bella nods and head out with Marinette.



Bella looks around for books as Marinette looks at the portraits hung up on the wall.

Bella and Marinette walk to the register as Marinette looks at a portrait behind the cashier.

'Owlbear cool' Marinette says to herself looking at the portrait.

They walk out the store and walk. Bella walks into an ally way as two boys emerge from the shadows.

"wanna beer?" one says as two more come out making it four of them. "Here just take my bag" Bella says scared as they get closer to her. "Don't touch her or i'll cut." Marinette says slapping their hand away.

"We don't want your bag." one says as he starts to lift Marinette's dress making bella swing her bag as Marinette's kicks him in the groin.

They try to run but they grab them making Marinette pushes them away from the two boys as she kicks one in the stomach and pushes herself from his back to twist the guy dropping him.

the other two drag her away as the other two get up and grab Bella

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the other two drag her away as the other two get up and grab Bella. "NO DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Marinette says as she starts trembling in anger.

They drop Marinette on the floor as they pin her down. "NO PLEASE STOP!" Bella yells out in fear as she starts tearing up cover her mouth.

The boys cover Marinette's mouth making her screams muffled as she starts crying. As they were about to take things further they hear tires screeching.

A Volvo and Jeep stop making the boys stop and look up as Edward and Jasper get out.

Jasper pushes the boys off his mate trying his very best not to suck them dry seeing how much in pain his mate is in. The boys all start to huddle.

Jasper picks her up and placed her in the Jeep kissing her head.

Jasper and Edward both scare them off as they hop into their cars. Edward drives close into them making them fall and scramble.

Jasper grabs his mates hand carefully as he plays with her knuckles. "It's ok Nette im here and Ima take you to my place okay." Jasper tells her as she looks at him with tears.



Jasper takes Nette inside laying her on his bed as Esme looks at the girl in worry. "Why don't you go get her some water and some taco bell she loves it hun." Esme tells him as he nods.

"Oh dear it's okay we're all here." Esme says hugging her as she creases her hair as Marinette let's tear fall form her face.

"Can I come in?" Rosalie says knocking as Esme nods. "I'll leave you two." Emse says kissing the girls head as she gets up and leaves.

Rosalie sits next to her and hugs her. "I know what you're feeling right now. It happened to me too." Rosalie tells her as Marinette looks at her confused.

"But I shouldn't feel like this he didn't even go far." She says feeling guilty.

"But he still touched you in ways you didn't want or ask for. Your feelings matter." Rosalie says gently.

"I had a Fiancée...I had the most perfect life everything I wanted. All I wanted was to live, get married, have children and grow old. But the man I thought loved me did the unspeakable to me with his group of friends and left me to die." Rosalie tells her as she looks at Marinette.

"What happened to you today with those men it has nothing to do with your smile, or your personality and it is absolutely not your fault." Rosalie tells her as Marinette starts crying as Rosalie hugs her in comfort.


Jasper looks at his mate lovingly as she sleeps in his arms. "Thanks for doing that." He tells Rosalia as she comes in to take the trash out,

"She needed a friend and she was scared so here I was and I really do like her for you." Rosalie says smiling as she walks out. Jasper looks down and kisses her forehead as she sleeps peacefully.

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