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Italic= thoughts

Marinette rushes to the front of the school to Bella. "Hey what did the asshole do?" Marinette asks her friend as she looks at her in worry getting the SOS message from Bella.

"D-Do I smell?" Bella asks her. "What? No! Did he say you did?" Marinette asks her confused.

"He didn't but it seemed like it and when I went to the office he wanted to change his class he's acting weird and like a jerk" Bella tells her frustrated.

"Hey come on Bells don't let that Edweirdo guy ruin your day. Now go home and drive safe." Marinette tells her ruffling her hair as Bella nods.

"Wanna come over tomorrow?" Bella asks her making Marinette smile. "Sure Bells bye" "Bye M"
-Marinette's home-

Marinette walks inside and closes the door behind her. "I'm home." She says quietly as she looks around her place.

'Why did you and your parents move here to small town forks' A flash back form Jessica's words pop into Marinette's head as she walks to her bathroom.

Marinette stops as she slowly goes down to the floor crying as she tries to remember her parents or anything.

"What's wrong with me why can't I remember!" Marinette yells out in frustration as she continues to cry for hours

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"What's wrong with me why can't I remember!" Marinette yells out in frustration as she continues to cry for hours.
-Next morning-

Marinette wakes up from the shining sun as she looks around to see she's on the floor. "Shit! Ima be late!" Marinette says running upstairs to get ready.

-School Cafeteria-

"So he's not here?" Marinette asks Bella. "No he isn't and I was going to ask him what his problem was." Bella tells her huffing.

"Now that's a good power move. Once he gets back you ask him straight up before he says hello to my fist." Marinette tells her as Bella chuckles.

"What would I do without you?" Bella tells her. "Hmm probably suffer and embarrass yourself." Marinette says as she ruffles Bella's hair.

"Here I made you brownies." Bella tells her handing her a container.

"You Jingle Bells are a gift."Marinette tells her as she eats them right away making Bella laugh.

"I told my mom about you. She wants me to fly you to her with me so you could meet her." Bella tells her as Marinette smiles.

"Well who wouldn't wanna meet me?" Marinette says as her phone buzzes. "Sorry I need to take this" She says as Bella nods and she head out the Cafeteria.

"Hey Leah what's up?" Marinette says picking up "Hey girl hows forks treating you" Leah says chuckling.

"It's alright people are annoying" She tells Leah as they laugh. "You should come to La Push Beach soon. I remember how you said you liked swimming"Leah tells her.

"Yea sure I'll let you know when I can Bye Lee" "Alright bye Owl"



"So I was thinking we could go over my home or yours to do some of our project?" Jasper tells Marinette as she nods.

"Yea sure we could go to yours after school I'm going over to my friends later today. But your riding with me can't leave my baby out here." She tells him as he nods chuckling.
-Cullens home-
"Wow nice place lots of glass." Marinette says getting out of her car as Jasper opens the door for her.

"Tell that to my mother she designed it." Jasper tells her. "No kidding? She's got talent." She says unknowingly to her Esme hears making her smile.

"We can go into the kitchen and work in there my mother is making you something." He tells her. "Hi you must be Marinette. You have such a beautiful name hun. I'm Esme Jaspers mother." Esme says giving the girl a hug making her melt into the motherly woman.

"Thank you and you really didn't have to cook Mrs. Cullen." She tells Esme smiling. "Nonsense I wouldn't let you starve and call me Esme dear. " Esme says handing her a plate of Alfredo. "Thank you Esme."

*3 hour later*

"You know a lot about Greek mythology." Jasper tells her as she puts her stuff away. "Guess so in Russia I would go into the library and read the books about it." She tells him smiling.

"Well if it ain't the famous Marinette Sully Parker!" Marinette looks up to see the buff guy and the tall girl.

"I'm Emmet and this is my lil sis Zoe." Emmet says as they both enter the kitchen. "We've all heard about you from Jasper over here." Zoe says smirking. "Oh did you now." Marinette says looking at Jasper as he avoids eye contact.

"Well haven't I caught your attention cowboy." She tells him smirking as he raises an eyebrow. "Cowboy?" he says chucking. "The accent I can hear it pretty boy." She says pointing at him as his siblings laugh at him.

"Hi Marinette it's good to see you out of school!" Alice says jumping on the girls back. "Nice to see you too pixie." Marinette says as Alice gets off her.

"I should get going I have to go over someone's today i'll see you guys at school." She tells them as they wave and nod as Jasper follows her.

"Ya know you don't have to walk me all the way to my car cowboy" Marinette tells Jasper as he walks her to her car.

"Well I wanted to." He says opening her door for her. "I'll see you tomorrow bye cowboy." She says as he closes the door and leans down on the window.

"Bye Nette" Jasper says as she smiles and drives away feeling something within her.

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