Bella meets the Cullens

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Marinette didn't go to school for the past 4 days with Bella calling her to check up on her since she stayed at the Cuellens home.

Marinette feels better after the days with the help of her boyfriend's family.

Marinette goes down stairs to see them cooking. Rosalie smiles at her as she holds a salad bowl as Emmet cuts up some vegetables and Carlisle and Esme cook pasta and chicken.

Jasper walks towards his mate and kisses her. "Guys I know you love to feel human, but don't you think that's a bit much of food for me?" Marinette asks them as they laugh.

"No dear Bella is coming over she knows." Carlisle tells her as she nods happily.

"Are you sure she's even Italian?" Rosalie asks annoyed. "Her name is Bella." Emmet says chucking as Marinette helps him as Jasper stands behind her.

"She's no-"

"Here comes the human" Rosalie says cutting Marinette off.

"Hey Bells." Marinette says shocking Bella. "M you know?" Bella asks her as she smiles knowing she's not the only one.

"Bella. We're making Italiano for you." Esme says walking up to her as Emmet waves the knife with his hand making Marinette put it down as Jasper shakes his head.

"Bon giorno?" She tells Esme. "Molto bene!" Esme says smiling. "You've given us another excuse to use the kitchen together." Carlisle says smiling at her.

"I hope you're hungry." Esme tells Bella. "Oh I know I am." Marinette says as Emmett playfully pushes her as Jasper pulls her close to his chest.

"Oh, absolutely." Bella lies. "She already ate." Edward says as they hear a smashing sound.

"Perfect" Rosalie says. "Thank god it was the bunny food." Marinette says making Jasper chuckle as he kissed her cheek.

"I just assumed -- because you don't eat, you know." Bella tells them. "Of course. That was very considerate of you." Esme says understandably.

"Ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward says as Marinette takes the cut up piece of carrot and chucks it at his face making him glare at her playfully as she sticks her tongue.

"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie tells him. "I would never, ever tell anyone."Bella tells her. "She knows that." Both Marinette and Carlisle tell her.

"The problem is, you two have gone public now, so.." Emmet says as he gets closer to his wife. "Emmet" Marinette says shaking her head.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly and with Mari it won't because we can't smell her blood or really hear her heart beat." Rosalie says making Marinette smile at the nickname she got from her.

"Badly? Badly as in...I will become the meal." Bella asks as they chuckle making Marinette face palm.

"Hi, Bella! I'm Alice." She says hugging Bella. "Oh you do smell good." Alice says making Marinette, Zoe and Emmet snort.

"Alice wh-" "It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends."  Alice says cutting Edward off.

"Sorry Zoe struggles the most being vegetarian. It's a little difficult for her." Carlisle says as Alice stays close to him.

"It's very nice to meet you." Zoe says stiffly making Marinette snap a picture laughing.

"It's okay Zoe you won't hurt her." Alice says making Bella feel uncomfortable.

"Uh well Bells I know about them too and uh i'm Jaspers mate." Marinette says walking towards her. "Nice to finally meet you Bella." Jasper says smirking as she nods smiling happily for her best friend.

"Why don't you take her on a tour around your house Eddie boy." Marinette tells him ruffling Bella's hair as he nods and takes her away.

"Well I'll see you soon." Alice tells Bella "Okay." she says as she walks away.

"So cute." Esme tells Alice. "I know."

"I think that went well." Carlisle tells them. "If it wasn't for red." Zoe says as Emmet chuckles.

"Okay i'm hungry, so i'm just gonna go ahead and eat some food." Marinette says as she sits down and Jasper serves her some food.

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