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3rd person POV
italic= thoughts

"Well this is the home cabin it has 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms and you know the rest of the stuff you need." The lady tells Marinette as she looks at the triangular cabin.

" The lady tells Marinette as she looks at the triangular cabin

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"It's perfect thank you." Marinette tells her as she hands her an envelope full of money.

Marinette loads all her stuff out from her car. Entering she looks around smiling. "I could really get used to this." she says smiling.

"Did you hear about the two new students Angela?" Jessica asks her friend. "Yea everyone has been talking about it." Angela tells Jessica as they walk into the school building.

"I know that one is Isabella Swan the Chiefs daughter but I don't know who the other one is heard they're from somewhere really far." Jessica tells her as they walk into class

"Who ever it is I bet they're nice." Angela tells her smiling.

-School parking lot-

Everyone turns their heads seeing a new faded red rusty truck with a challenger behind it entering the school.

Everyone turns their heads seeing a new faded red rusty truck with a challenger behind it entering the school

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(Her Car^^^)

Marinette gets out of her car seeing the many stares she and the brown haired girl are getting as she parks next to her.

"Nice ride." Tyler tells Bella sarcastically.

"Beat it before I leave tread marks on your face." Marinette tells him giving him a look as she grabs Bella's hand taking her with to the building.

Unknowingly to them the Cullens watch their every move.

"uh t-thanks for that... I'm Bella Swan i'm new here." Bella tells her nervously. "Dont be shy Bella." Marinette tells her making Bella chuckle.

"I'm Marinette Sully Parker i'm also new here... I think we'll be great friends." Marinette tells her smirking. "I think so too." Bella tells her smiling.

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