*who is the real criminal*

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She suddenly pointed at Luna and aera....was she telling the truth let's go to flash back~

While watching the movie....
Sabeen came and gave them the popcorn and left...
They were enjoying the movie but in the beginning of the movie they finished all the popcorn...

Luna to eun-ji

Luna :- eun unniee iam still hungry... *She said with a pout*

Eun-ji :- ok wait I will ask mum for some more popcorn *she said while getting up*

Luna :- noo unnie I want choclates plss *she asked with puppy eyes*

Eun-ji:- mum won't allow us as we have eaten chocolates in the morning itself , I can't do anything *she said while shrugging her shoulder*

Luna :- unnie who will tell our mums....*she said with an gummy smile*

Eun-ji:- what... without permission*she asked with widened eyes as Luna nodded*

Eun-ji :- but-(cut off by aera)

Aera :- yes unnie pleasee

Eun-ji didn't wanted to disobey her mum but she has no choice either , she had to do this for her cousins..

So she agreed and secretly took the chocolates from the drawer of the kitchen....

End of flash back
Adriana was glaring very sharply at Luna

Adriana:- what the hell Luna! It's hardly been a day and I have started creating trouble!*angry*

Sabeen :- ads ( Adriana nickname) calm down she is just a kid...

Adriana just glared at Luna and left to her room...
Tears left Luna's eyes...she hated when her mum scolded her..she is veryy sensitive..even if anyone raise their voice also she will be scared..

Sabeen hugged Luna..

Sabeen :- don't cry baby...ur mum is just little angry ok?

Luna nodded....
Sabeen sighed and went to Adrianna...

She knocked on Adrianna's room door...
Sabeen entered her room

Sabeen :- come on Adrianna kids make mistakes..u should not be this harsh

Adrianna :- then don't u think jimin oppa was harsh with eun-ji?

Sabeen :- ads eun-ji is way older then Luna..and besides Luna came here for some days..iam not telling don't scold her...just don't shout on her like that.....

Adrianna nodded

Adrianna:- ok unnie if u say so I won't shout on her....but they all should be punished...right?

Sabeen :- yes they will be punished for sure...Jennie is looking after their punishment...

Adrianna:- ohhk then...

Sabeen:- hm now come u want some tea?

Adrianna:- sure..

They went to the back yard and drank their tea

Meanwhile with the kids punishment...

Jennie :- u all I want ur all hand up straight...I don't want see ur hands down *strict* am I clear?

All of them :- yess

Jennie took a chair and sat infront of them while watching her phone while keeping an eye on them

After 15 minutes she told them to put their hands down...

Jennie :- now start doing sit ups

They all looked at her shocked

💗My brother 2💗Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang