Aera punished~

877 42 5

Jennie pov
I dragged aera to my room and closed the door she looked at me with scared eyes which melted my heart  but I stayed cool as ice..

Jennie :- what do u think huh ur a grown up adult to curse *she says this in a scolding ways* u know what I think iam too lenient for u , i was thinking that she is a little girl only i will leave it this time but no , u went ahead and cursed at ur samchon , u know when I was ur age even if I raised my voice at elders he would punish me hard...and look at u *angry*

Aera was just silently crying , she was guilty of her actions but she was angry at that time she didn't wanted to curse at her Jimmy samchon she loved him soo so much

Aera :- iam sorry mumma i didn't meant to curse , i promise I will never do it again *crying innocently*

Jennie :- oh u sure will be sorry *she said as she took a pencil from her drawer*

Aera widened her eyes as she has already went through this once , when she back talked with her dad..

Aera :- mumma iam s-orry ple-ase forgi-ve me th-is time please *she said crying*

Punishing Aera was the hardest thing for Jennie , as it reminded her when she was little , but she was determined not to spoil Aera

Jennie :- show me ur knuckles now *she said in demanding voice*

Aera didn't show so Jennie grabbed her arm and held her upper arm with one hand and hit her knuckles with the pencil

(Guys don't underestimate the power of a single pencil it hurts like hell )

Jennie was not hitting too hard just a little as she is small



Jennie :- will u ever curse again?


Aera shook her head as no.

Jennie :- Words *she told strictly*

*Hard hit*

Aera :- No no mamma I would never curse again, Aera promises *showing that she didn't cross her fingers*

Jennie :- last hit baby , then u have to say what u have done wrong


Aera :- ahh mama *crying* I was being stubborn*sob* and I cursed at samchon...and iam sorry

Jennie hugged her consoled her , then after sometime Aera went downstairs, there she saw u/n sitting in the couch using her phone

Aera :- unnie....*small voice*

(Aera calls y/n and y/n's fiance unnie and oppa)

Y/n still heard it and turned around when she saw aera's red eyes she immediately hugged her made her sit on her lap

Y/n :- what happened baby , did u cried? *She asked concerned*

Aera :- mamaa punished me *she said with a pout and showed her knuckles*

Y/n :- why did ur mama punish u? *She asked with one raised brow*

Aera :- i was being stubborn and cursed at Jimmy samchon *she said while playing with her fingers ready to get scolded again*

Y/n sighed

Y/n :- I guess u have learned ur lesson *she said while directly looking into Aera's eyes*

Aera nodded

Y/n :-  good then.......Wanna have ice cream?

Aera nodded excitedly

Y/n :- ok baby , wait till yun-ji comes back ok?

Aera :- ok unnie , I love uu *she said while hugging y/n tightly*

Y/n :- love yahh too *as she kissed her forehead*

Now she saw sabeen and Jennie coming down the stairs , sabeen quickly went towards aera and checked her with doe eyes

Sabeen :- baby did this girl hit u hard huh? *She asked with sad smile*

Aera :- yess sabeen ajumma see *she said while showing her knuckles* but I think i deserved it , *
she said with low voice making Jennie smile*

Jennie :- omo I am sorry baby....but u deserved it na?

Aera nodded

Y/n :- Jennie unnie I was thinking to take her to the ice cream parlour and sabeen unnie I wanted to take yun-ji with us...

Sabeen :- umm u guys go kids , eun-ji will directly sleep after coming as today she has last 2 periods games so she will be exhausted....

Y/n :- ok i will bring her the ice cream , mint chocolate right?

Sabeen :- correct...

Y/n :- and unnies there's one exciting news!

Jennie :- oh what is it? *She asked curiously*

Y/n :- beomgyu is coming tomorrow!! *She said excitedly*

Sabeen :- Wow that's amazing sweetheart*she said happily*

Jennie :- yea we will meet him after 1 year now , *to Aera :- baby do u remember ur beomgyu oppa ?

Aera nodded as yes

Aera :- yes mumma he used to bring me soo many chocolates and toys *she said happily*

Y/n :- unnies tell this to ur husbands , iam going to
Kerly and leri unnies room to tell them the news , then to Lisa unnie *she said while happily going upstairs due to which sabeen and Jennie chuckled*

Jennie :- she can never change

Sabeen :- true, y/n was just like aera when she was little right?

Jennie :- yep her talking style is fully like aera..*she said while laughing a bit while Aera looked at them confused*

Aera :- sabeen ajumma was y/n unnie just like me? *While looking up at her*

Sabeen :- yes baby....she was just like u , cute and very naughty....she talked like u only....*she said while caressing Aera's hair*

Jennie was smiling seeing that how much her family loves Aera..

Jennie :- Now come baby I will make u get ready then u go with ur unnie

Aera went and changed into and while cotton frock with orange flowers drawn on them

Meanwhile y/n told this to leri and kerly and they were also happy.....
As kerly is pregnant it is her 7 month and she is feeling very sick even jk took her to hospital but they gave her medicine and told it was normal in y/n brought ice cream for all her unnies and nieces and nephew..

At night when all boys returned home y/n told everyone the news and they were all excited for him to come back....

At night in Jennie's room
Aera is sitting on her father's lap and telling how her mum punished her

LEE KNOW :- omoo ur mum did like this wait I will scold her ok?

Aera :- yes yes appa u scold her nicely

Leeknow :- ok baby now u sleep , i will scold her

Aera :- ok appa *then she slept while hugging Wonwo*

To be continued~
A/n :- hloooo everyone,  how are u all?
And thanks @YOONMINMADLOVER1283 for ur amazing idea I will surely use it in the next part or whenever it will be suitable according to the story and if anyone else has any suggestions please tell me...!
Love you all,
Take care 💗,
Bye bye ❤️

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