Chapter 2: in which Reaper is kind of a stalker

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(A/N: omg hiiiii!!!! im so glad ppl liked my last chapter!!!!!! um yeah... hm what else... if any of u have any ideas for scenes in this fic tell me!!! im running low on some ideas so any scene ideas u have id LOVE to hear!!! and of course, spoof art by my sister!!! UwU)

———— Reaper POV ————

As Reaper grinned, the class let out a series of monotonous and uncaring 'welcome, Reaper's. He didn't let that get to him, though, as he laid eyes on none other than Geno CQ. His target.

Geno was a lot shorter in-person than he seemed in the image, he would probably only be a bit higher than Reaper's shoulder. He was watching Reaper with an expression of confusion and mild discomfort. Good, Reaper thought. You should be scared.

"We- uh, we have three vacant seats in the classroom." The teacher, a dinosaur-like monster named Ms. Alphys, gestured. There were indeed three empty seats, one next to a skeleton with way too many layers of black-and-white clothing, one next to a rabbit monster who looked fairly boring all things considered, and one...

"I think I'll sit here." Reaper gave Ms. Alphys a grin, walking down to the third open seat, right behind Geno CQ. He didn't miss the way Geno turned to look at him before redirecting his gaze back to the window he was sat near.

"A-alright, then! Now that we're all settled, we should, uh, continue with class." Ms. Alphys opened up a packet of papers on her desk, flipping through them with her claws. "Reaper wasn't here for the last lesson, so I suppose he gets a pass on the upcoming quiz... a-actually, I think today will just be a recap day, instead."

The class mumbled out varying levels of appreciation, all thankful for the excuse to not do a quiz that day. Even Geno, who Reaper noted was often tense, seemed to relax a bit at that.

The entire day's worth of science class was spent with him hardly paying attention to the actual class, instead fixating his gaze on the back of Geno's skull, who was none the wiser. Every little reaction Geno had, Reaper took note of. It was his job, after all. And besides, he knew enough about the decomposition process on his own already.

Geno seemed to like science, Reaper noted. His eyelights brightened whenever Ms. Alphys called on him to answer a question, and he was one of the first students to hand in a review worksheet. Why he liked a topic most of the other students seemed to dread, Reaper had no clue. But in all honesty, it was a bit endearing.

Shame Reaper would have to kill him, really. For most of the class, his gaze was fixated on the back of Geno's skull, analyzing, searching. For what, Reaper didn't truly know. A weak spot, perhaps.

Reaper only realized class had ended maybe twenty minutes after he'd arrived when Geno had stood up from his desk. The other left without another word, and Reaper found himself following Geno to the next class.

Life had managed so most, with the exception of one, classes he had were with Geno. 'For efficiency', she'd said. Reaper argued that it was suspicious, to which Life had claimed that he'd never been one to refuse the easier path. Reaper had no response to that.

Reaper loomed over Geno as he walked behind him in the hallway, a blank expression on his face. With every step Geno seemed more uncomfortable, until only a few steps away from their next classroom, Geno whirled around and glared at Reaper.

"Why are you following me?" Geno's tone was accusatory, but he wasn't loud. Still, the look he sent made Reaper feel almost lightheaded.

"I have the same class as you," Reaper replied smoothly. "I saw you were walking alone, and decided it would be better to accompany someone without other friends around. I'd rather not be a third wheel, you know."

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