Chapter 1: The Mission

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(a/n: HIIIII!!!!  i haven't done one of these in so long XD i hope it's good!!!!! anyyway hope you like my fic!! plz comment if u want it'd be much appreciated :3 chapter cover spoof art by my sister. oh btw!!! in this au nightmare is in his passive form)

———— Reaper POV ————

Bare, skeletal feet clicked on a marble tile floor. Click, click, click.

A young skeleton by the name of Reaper, the youngest of the many Guardians of Death, was approaching the throne of Fate, wings tucked close behind him. He didn't dare speak, not without prompt. He only shuffled closer and kneeled with a bow. "Reaper." Fate spoke, voice booming, and Reaper lifted his head.

"Yes, my liege?" He tried not to sound nervous, and probably failed miserably.

Fate tapped her fingers against her leg. "Were you informed as to why I summoned your presence?"

"No, I was not." Reaper shook his head. "You have been called here for a mission." Fate explained, her voice echoing throughout the throne room. Reaper couldn't help his surprised face. Me? A mission? Reaper was confused. "Not to question your choices, my liege, but... I'm the youngest of the reapers, I've not yet completed my training."

Fate looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Hence why I asked you. If you fail this mission, you are expendable. If you succeed, you will be promoted to a full reaper without further training needed. Think of it as a test, one you must pass." Reaper's eyelights brightened at the prospect. A full reaper, his dream for as long as he could remember. But... "What about my brother? He-"

"Will be fine." Fate interrupted. "Now, do you wish to know your mission or not?" Reaper hesitated. "...I would be honored." "It is settled, then." Fate clapped her hands. "You are how old?"

"I am seventeen." Reaper answered. Why does she want to know? He thought. Fate hummed. "Perfect. I was hoping you were around that age." "And why is that, if you don't mind me inquiring?" Reaper asked.

"You are to go undercover as a mortal. We have discovered an anomaly, just under your age. You are to infiltrate the school he goes to and kill him. Our other reapers have had... struggles, with his soul. I have reason to believe being physically there will aid you in the process. After which, you may return his soul to me."

Reaper's wings ruffled. "You wish... to send me down as a mortal?" "Yes. And to fit the appearance, I will have to temporarily take your wings, and the immediate power of your touch. Only your scythe will be effective in terms of inflicting instant death."

"My- my wings?" Reaper's mouth went dry, and he suddenly became very aware of the two raven-feathered wings upon his back. He couldn't imagine being without them, even if it was temporary. But... he couldn't exactly deny Fate's request.

"Is there a problem?" Fate tilted her head, and Reaper jolted back at her blank stare. "...No, my liege. There is not an issue. I... I will take on this mission."

"Very well." Fate said with a pleased grin. "Life will send you down and hand you the information for this mission. I have organized a place for you to stay, and registration to appear mortal." Reaper opened his mouth, then shut it, unsure of what to say.

"Well?" Fate said impatiently.

"I- thank you for this opportunity, my liege. I will make you proud." Reaper said.

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