Chapter 59-The King of Corruption: Part 3-Blaze

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Chapter 59

•Alex's P.O.V•


Everything felt...fuzzy. From my head to the tips of my fingers. I felt as if I couldn't move, like I'd been paralysed by...something. I'm not entirely sure what. And for a while, all I could really see was darkness. But as my eyes slowly started to flutter open and the darkness faded, I was met with the strangest sight; the Corrupted King, his fingers still on my forehead, with a confused expression plastered across his face. His eyes were wide in disbelief and his mouth hung open in shock.

"What in the-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the King cried out and quickly moved his fingers from my head, holding his hand in pain. He growled before turning back to me.

"What is this?" He muttered, though, it was a little difficult to make out. His voice sounded more like a muffled up radio that wasn't tuned in to the right sration.

His hand glowed with a pale mist enveloping it, swirling around it with a strange energy. He brought it close to my face, only to pull it back just as quickly, growling in pain.

"Impossible." He hissed. He reached once again, and as his hand got close to my face, that's when I heard it.

A spark.

The Corrupted King's hand suddenly shot backward as he cried out in pain. He fell to his knees and turned his back to me, hunched over as he clutched his hand.

I sat there and tilted my head in confusion. My mind still felt a little hazy, so it took me a while to figure out what was going on. But after a little while, It clicked.

He was trying to corrupt me. And yet...he couldn't.

'Am I...immune?' I thought to myself.

I slowly started to regain feeling in my limbs, feeling the slight tingle of fire flowing through to the tips of my fingers. I regained enough energy to stand and slowly made my way onto my feet. Then suddenly, a surge of magical energy sprung throughout my entire body as if starting a wildfire within me. My eyes started to glow a bright red as the flaming energy pulsed through my veins. The Corrupted King turned back to me, and his eyes open wide with shock.

", this, this can't be." He muttered. I locked eyes with him.

"You can't corrupt me." I said. I took a deep breath, looking down at my hands. My body was wrapped in a red glow, and after getting a feel for it, a flame suddenly sparked in my hand. But it was different. It was brighter, hotter, and seemed more...alive than any other flame I've ever made before. I stared in amazement.

"Whoa..." I whispered. But the moment was cut short when the Corrupted King leapt to me, a clawed hand extended towards me. I quickly held my arms to my face, and with a sudden spark, a bright burst of flames blew the King back and colliding into the wall of the throne room with a loud crash.

As I lowered my arms, I was met with a dazzling shield of flame, one bigger, more radiant and stronger, and admittedly more shield-like, than my regular one. I stared in surprise as it began to fade away.

"What the flames? How did I-"

'I can't do much on my own, but I can at least unlock a great deal of power for you...'

"...Kindle." I whispered in realization. I looked back down at my hands, the bright red still enveloping my body. "This must've been what he was talking about."

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