Chapter 42-Alex VS Keith: Part 1-Complex Feelings

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Chapter 42

•Alex's P.O.V•

The sound of the school bell echoed through the corridors. Soon the halls were full of elementals making their way to their next class. I'd just finished packing up the last of my books, ready to leave my Pyrokinetics class, which seemed even more exhausting than normal. Ever since Axel and I got scolded by Professor Blaze yesterday, Axel acted more hostile to me. I just ignored him and tried to pay attention to what the professor was teaching. Though Axel's death stare made it really difficult to concentrate. As I left the classroom, I found Zack and Aarya waiting outside. I smiled.

"Hey guys." I said cheerfully.

"Hey man." Aarya punched my arm playfully. "Everything good?"

"Yeah, everything's great." I replied, flexing my left arm. "I'm so happy to finally have those bandages off."

"Great to see you back to your old self again, Al." Zack smiled.

"Okay, so what class do we have now?" Alex asked. Aarya took her schedule out of her pocket and unfolded it in front of us.

"Huh, Elemental Combat." She muttered.

"You think Mr Silva will be able to teach us this time?" Zack asked curiously.

"I hope so." I said. I still haven't really forgiven myself for the arena incident, especially knowing that three of the teachers got hurt trying to save me, one of which being someone I was related to. Still, I'd hoped that Mr Silva was healed enough to go back to teaching. Plus, I needed to apologise.

"Well then, let's head to the arena." Zack said. With that, the three of us made our way to the arena. Once there, we found the rest of our friends already changed into their combat uniforms.

"Took you guys long enough." Damian teased.

"Oh shut up, you know how hard it is to navigate through about a thousand elementals." Aarya said, flicking his nose playfully. With that, I snapped my fingers and my school uniform was replaced with my combat uniform. Aarya and Zack did the same.

"So, is Mr Silva here?" I asked nervously.

"Indeed he is."

I jumped back as I heard the voice boom from behind me. I was so startled that my fists immediately burst into flames. But upon seeing who it was, I was overcome with relief. I extinguished the flames.

"It's good to see you again, young elementals." Mr Silva smiled warmly, which was a little strange to see, I'll admit. He always had a cold expression on his face. But I didn't question it, I was just relieved to see him healthy.

He was dressed in his regular boots, pants and button-up, but instead of his tailcoat, he wore a puffy winter jacket and sweatpants. He also had one arm in a cast and held up up by what I suspected was an extra long scarf. He also had a small scar under his eye and a few bandages around his head. Other that that, he looked just like he did before the arena incident.

"I-Its good to see you too, sir." I said.

"Right. Now that I'm back to teaching, let's resume training, shall we?" He said. Everyone gathered around him.

"Today's combat training will be a little different. Until now, I've only been teaching you how to use your elemental magic for combat moves. Now, it's time to put it all together and use what you learnt against another elemental."

"Whoa, really?" Excited started build up inside me. Mr Silva nodded.

"Yes. So, today, each of you will battle against one of your fellow teammates to put what you learnt to the test." Silva explained. I started to vibrate with excitement. I didn't know why, but something in me has been itching for a fight. This was the perfect opportunity.

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