Chapter 18-All Caught Up

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Chapter 18

•Alex's P.O.V•

Before I knew it, I was teleported into the arena in a blinding orange flash. The flames at mt feet slowly went out. I glanced at Koran who had helped me up.

"Are you sure that we should be training right now? I mean, I have class now." I explained.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I left all the teachers letters that you'll be with me for the day. You have nothing to worry about." He said. I tilted my head.

"How?" I asked.

"It's a family secret. I'll teach you later." He winked at me. "Now, let's get to work, shall we?"

"Yes. Okay, what's my first lesson?" I asked eagerly.

"Patience, Alex. Rome wasn't built in a day, as you may say, and an elemental doesn't master their power in a day either." Koran said wisely. "If you're going to catch up with your classmates, you need to exercise patience first."

"Okay." I let out a sigh. "What do I do first?"

"Hold out your hand." I did what Koran instructed and held my hand out, spreading my fingers.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Now, feel for the magical energy within your core, feel it coursing through your veins, feel the heat of your inner flame burning in your blood." He said. I closed my eyes and focused. The warm tingly sensation quickly spread over mg entire body.

"Do you feel it?" Koran asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I can feel it."

"Good. Now, feel the flow of that energy and gather it to the palm of your outstretched hand." He said. I felt the warmth trail up my spine, down my arm, to my hand.

"Tell me, what do you feel?" Koran asked.

"I feel...tingling. Like, there's a tiny pheonix caressing me with its feathers." I replied.

"Excellent. Now, transfer more of that energy to your palm and tell me what it feels like." I did as he instructed again, and the feeling changed.

"It feels like...a spark..." I muttered.

"Good. Now, let that feeling sink into your hand for a bit. Hold on to it. Don't let it turn into a flame." Koran instructed.

"Easier said than done. Dad taught me-"

"What your father didn't teach you, is that the spark that creates the flame is more important than the flame itself." Koran interrupted. I tilted my head and dropped my extended palm, letting the feeling of the spark go.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Tell me, what do you think is the cause for the ability for us fire elementals to create and command flames?" Koran asked.

"Uh, I dunno. core?" I said nervously.

"No, well yes, but mostly no. What allows our flame to flourish is our understanding of it. If we can understand how the magic within us work..." he snapped his fingers and a bright sparking flame flared up in his hand immediately. It danced in a way that put me in some sort of a trance.

"...then we can create and control them with ease." Koran finished and closed his fist, extinguishing the flame.

"Whoa..." I muttered.

"You see, Alan only taught you how to create the flame, catch the spark, if you will. He never really taught you the true nature of the magical power you possess. And in turn, it has left you extremely inexperienced and undeveloped in actually controlling your magic." Koran explained. I looked down at my hands, opening and closing them slowly.

"I guess..." I muttered.

"But worry not, grandson." He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. "I'll teach you every little thing you need to know. By the way of the flame, I swear my heart on it." He said, lighting another flame in his free hand.

"By the way of the flame? What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's like an unbreakable promise. A promise that I plan on keeping." Koran said. He then disappeared in a burst of flame and reappeared right in front of me.

"Now, let's get to practicing, shall we?"

"We shall." I nodded, opening my palm and letting the energy flow until I felt a spark forming.


"Alright class, let's recap what we went over yesterday." Professor Blaze instructed. "Flames lit."

With that, the entire class lit small balls of flame in their hands. I then opened my hand and with a snap of my fingers, a bright flame went up in seconds. And after a bit, it grew bigger and brighter than the rest of the class' flames. I caught a few eyes staring at me in awe.

"Impressive, Alex." The professor complimented from the front. "I see he's helped you improve."

"Yeah, he did." I replied. I caught Axel staring at me with confusion, and slightly jealousy, in his eyes.

"Right, flames out."

With that all the flames went out, including mine. A sense of accomplishment overtook me for the rest of the class. As the bell rang at the end of it, I was once again stopped by the professor on my way out the door.

"Oh, Alex, may I have another word?" He asked. I turned around, a smile plastered on my face.

"You may." I replied.

"I noticed that you were having a lot less trouble with your fire. In fact, you have better control over it than the rest of your classmates." Professor Blaze complimented.

"Thanks, professor." I said. "But if you didn't tell me to go to principal Koran, I wouldn't have improved so much so quickly."

"Oh don't be so modest. I'm just happy to help one of my students is all." He smiled. "Now run along, I'd hate to be the reason you're late to your next class."

"Okay, professor." I said before walking out the door to my next class.


Author's Notes

Here you all are, another chapter, as promised. I like how this one came out, and how soon it came out. Normally it would take a couple of weeks before I upload another chapter. I might as well get started on the next one. Until then, see ya.


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