Chapter 12-Return

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Chapter 12


Fifty years...

It has been fifty years since my reign. Fifty years since my defeat. Fifty years since my imprisonment... I was sure that I would be stuck in the null realm for all eternity, and yet for some bizarre reason, my sentence was cut short. I'm unsure of whether it was because someone, somehow, summoned me, or perhaps one of my followers used a teleportation spell on me, or maybe the spell that the guardian of fire had cast upon me during my last battle had finally reached its time limit....

Whatever the reason, I was out of the null realm. Instead of a seemingly endless void of nothingness, I found myself transported to a peaceful meadow next to a winding river in a blinding flash of light. I felt the soft grass caress my face as the cool wind blew through the sky. The feeling almost felt, calming, on my soul. It almost gave me a feeling of, serenity.

How pathetic.

I got onto my feet, struggling to stand at first but managing in the end. I took in a deep breath and exhaled, enjoying the pureness of the fresh air. I looked down ay my hands, chained up and bound with Rendus Steel, a special kind of metal that blocks my elemental powers. And for good reason, I will admit. The atrocities I've committed in my prime were truly unforgivable by everyone's standards, including my own. Though, I'd like to think that I was just making myself known across the the expense of hundreds of other poor, unfortunate elementals. All those poor souls who suffered my wrath... It makes me want to laugh.

"Do you plan on revealing yourself? Or do you want to pretend that I can't feel your presence for a while longer?" I said aloud. As I'd predicted, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head, a grin spread across it.

"You haven't aged a bit, my Lord."

"Despite the fact that it's been fifty years since I was here last?" I joked.

"You know that the null realm doesn't have the flow of time like most of the other dimensions." He replied.

"I know, Andreas." I said, making my way over to the nearby river. I looked into the crystal blue water, as mentioned , I truly haven't aged one bit. I smirked.

"Well, nice to know that this handsome image will be the last thing this realm sees before its destriction." I said. I turned on my heels and began walking opposite the rising sun, footsteps trailing closely behind me.

"Where are you going, my Lord?" Andreas asked me, his voice tinted with curiosity.

"To my old castle, where else?" I said. Although my back was turned to him, I felt his eyes staring at me as if I'd gone mad...well, more mad than I was half a century ago.

"Your castle? M-My Lord, that's a four to five day trip at least. And where will we even stop to rest when you get tired? Where will we find food and water? And I'm sure that nobody would be willing to help us when you are bound in chains." Andreas muttered. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You are a mind elemental, are you not?" I asked, turning my head back to him.

"Y-Yes, my Lord." He replied.

"And you know the location of my castle, do you not?" I asked again.

"Like the back of my hand." He replied.

"So, use your magic to teleport us there you idiot, or at the very least cast a portal spell that will get us there in an instant." I growled in annoyance. He slapped his forehead at the realisation and cursed to himself silently.

"Right, of coarse. Why didn't I think of that?" He said to himself.

"My God, Andreas, for an elemental who is supposed to have more intellect that any other, you sure don't know how to use it." I grumbled.

"My apologies, my Lord." He muttered.

Andreas held out his hand. It began to glow the same deep purple illuminated by his eyes and a shallow sea of purple mist pooled at his feet, his stare focused on the horizon. He then began to move his hands in a circular motion and the mist at his feet twisted and twirled in the same motion, creating a small swirling sircle to form mid air.


With that, the circle grew in size and its purple glow grew brighter. After a few moments, an image was created in the swirling mist; an image of a large dark castle, slightly decayed and covered with pale purple ivy creeping up the side of the walls of the towers, towering over a gigantic mountain, standing tall over the tall thicket of trees. The sky was tinted a pale grey and magenta, unlike the bright blue sky I stood under now. My castle. A wide smile spread across my lips as the portal completed itself.

"Very good, Andreas. I see you are no less powerful than before my defeat." I complimented.

"Thank you, my Lord." Andreas smiled. I took a step towards the large portal.

"Right, come now, Andreas. First, we get these barbaric binding chains off my wrists. Then, we plot." I said.

"Plot, what, exactly?" Andreas asked. I let out a low chuckle.

"My rule, and the destruction of the elemental realm, of coarse." I said wickedly. I motioned for him to walk through the portal. He stood next to me before taking a step through a second later. I turned my head to the landscape behind me.

"Though my return to this realm was a mystery, it was no mistake. It is time to take back what is rightfully mine, and the realm will know and fear my name once more..."

With that, I turned and followed Andread through the portal.


Author's Notes

Yeah, uh, remember when I said that I'd introduce Alex's team in the next chapter? Well, that idea went out the window the moment I wrote 'Chapter 12' at the top of the chapter, but it's a nice little change from my usual writing style for this book. Also, I really tried my best to be as vague as possible. You'll find out who this man is later in the book if you haven't already. Anyway, until then I hope you enjoyed.


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