59. This is it

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I stopped my bike abruptly, I was just heading over to John B's. We had lost the cross and some weird thing happened between Kie and I. Don't even ask, it's been weird ever since.

"John B!", I yelled looking around the front yard, "Yo!".

"Hey, Jayj", a familiar voice said making me turn around to look at my best friend. God this awkward tension was rising again.

"John B not here?", I asked walking over to Kie.

"Nope", she replied.

"What up?", I asked after the girl in front of me cleared her throat awkwardly. I could already see from her eyes that she wanted to say something, but was I even ready for this conversation?

"Uh, Rafe and Maddy, that's what's up", she explained her eyes meeting mine. My heart dropped a little.

Even though Maddy and I ended things on good terms and we actually did have a moment, which by the way no one knows about. I still get a little sting in my heart when she's with him.

"What do you mean?", I asked confused, the two should be in Barbados or where ever the hell they were staying.

"Their back on the island. Sarah saw them", Kie explained.

I shook my head slightly, "Spectacular".

I wondered if she told anyone about the kiss. Well, it probably didn't mean anything to her after all, she's on this manhunt with her killer boyfriend.

"It's not just that", Kie started again, "She overheard him saying that the cross is coming to Wilmington tomorrow night. Figure they must be trying to sell it".

"Great, does Pope know?", I asked the girl.

"Yeah, Sarah went to tell him", Kiara replied. It was weird thinking that Maddy was on our side just a few months ago and now she's the complete opposite.

"He's locked down, and I guess John B and his dad went and got the Twinkie. They're off to God knows where", Kiara explained handing me an envelope.

"Yeah, of course. Just when we need them", I explained annoyed, "We know where the cross is gonna be. That means it's still on the field. So we can come in and swoop. We're still in this, Kie. We gotta get everybody together then we'll come up with a plan. Get to Wilmington"

"Hey Jayj", Kiara yelled as I started walking over to my bike again, "Before we formulate some crazy plan, can we talk?"

Oh boy, here it comes.


Maddy's POV

While we walked more into the restaurant, my eyes scanned the room for anyone that seemed familiar to me.

My eyes stopped at one specific person who I didn't recognize the first time. His brown hair was cut short.

"I'll be damned. Look who it is!", the man smiled loudly as his eyes landed on Rafe and I, "Look at the Country Club and his beautiful princess walking in!".

Angelic - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now