40. I choose you, son

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

After I passed out, Rafe took me to one of Rose's houses. It was a small bungalow on Figure Eight, it was cute not really fitting for her but I was glad I was safe.  

"I'm gonna make sure, you're safe Baby. Okay?", Rafe asked while he took me inside. 

The inside was clean and almost empty, yet there was a little bit of decoration on the counters and a big white bed that looked comfortable as hell. 

"You wanna shower? Heat up a little?", Rafe asked sweetly. I nodded still in shock by the events that took place not even two hours ago. 

I was so close to dying, so close to losing everything. I will never forget that feeling of water filling up my lungs and darkness taking control over me. 

I will never be able to see my brother in the same light, I was certainly sure that he was a murderer and I was just the beginning. 

Rafe's hands were trembling as he led me to the bathroom, I could tell that he was high by the way his eyes kept rolling into the back of his head. The sweat that covered his forehead only proved my guess. 

Rafe placed my wet clothes on the Towel heater, in hopes they would dry quickly. He helped me step into the shower and waited for me the whole time. 

I tried relaxing under the warm water but it also scared me. I couldn't get any water on my face due to the fact I had inhaled it before. 

After I was done with the shower Rafe gave me some clothes the Camerons had stored on the boat and I was glad to be dressed in something that wasn't soaking wet. 

Rafe and I walked into the bedroom, he started undressing himself and laying down while I just kept standing in the doorway. Appreciating the moments I had with him. 

I sighed before following his actions and slipping under the covers. His strong arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close to him. 

His smell immediately filled up my nose and it smelled like home. Rafe was my home. 

His warm body hugged mine and my heart made a little jump. He bend over and placed a soft kiss on my cheek and then on my neck. 

"Thank you, Rafe. I don't, I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there", I mumbled into the pillow. 

"Of course, I'll always take care of you", he explained pulling me even closer towards him.

"I will forever love you, Rafe Cameron"

"I will forever love you, Madison Bamford"

With those words, I let darkness take over me, once again. But this time I actually was happy it did. I needed that sleep desperately and I was glad I could rest in my love's arms. With him, I actually felt safe which was weird to even think about since he was also able to kill someone. 

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