50. You're being cheesy

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

The island my family and I were staying on was a dream. It was warm, it was sunny, there was the most beautiful beach you could imagine, and there was him. 

Rafe and I grew so much closer after everything happened with the cross. We've been happier than ever and for some reason, life was actually feeling good. 

We have been staying here for about three weeks now and I was actually happy. I had time to redo all my schoolwork after my parents switched me to homeschooling, which meant I would graduate next year. Amazing. 

Leo actually did have brain damage from what happened on the boat, he was in a care home to relearn everything and be taken care of. I guess Karma really is a bitch. 

Ward and my father were doing some business but more undercover, living the pension life almost. Our moms were doing mom things and already taking over the mommy world on this island. 

For Rafe and I, it was clear that we wanted to return to the Outer Banks eventually, after all. It was our home and all of our friends were there. 

Other than that someone had to take care of the business and the houses that were now just empty. 

This morning I woke up next to the love of my life, the glass doors of our room were standing open slightly, letting the warm wind fly through the room. I sat up slightly looking out the balcony doors that showed the perfect clear blue water. 

I smiled softly, maybe this was the actual paradise and not Outer Banks, even though I missed home. This felt more like a vacation. 

Rafe shifted next to me, snuggling further into the white sheets. I smiled at the boy that I was so deeply in love with, before placing a soft kiss on his cheek and getting up. 

Since we moved here Rafe and I got to stay in one room, since there weren't enough rooms for all of us. And I definitely needed a walk-in closet, I mean duh. 

After getting up I quickly slipped a pink bikini on as well as a white crochet skirt that was just a small cover-up. I walked down the stairs and noticed that no one seemed to be up yet. 

I grabbed some coffee, pouring it into a glass cup, and walking outside. I quickly sipped it enjoying some of the sun on my skin. 

The sun here seemed to be even more strong than in Outer Banks. I finished the coffee and started heading towards the beach. As soon as I reached the water I dropped my skirt and walked further into the cold water. 

I stopped when the water reached my mid-thigh, imagines of the night Leo tried to drown me came back to my mind but I just shrugged it off. Ever since he was in the care home it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me. I wasn't in danger anymore. 

I sighed before diving into the water, ducking my head under the water, getting my hair all wet. I came back up to the surface and started swimming out further. 

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