46. You really are your father's son

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

After a few more moments of us just sitting around, a car door slammed shut. Making our heads turn towards the dark grey car that had just appeared. 

"Shit", Rafe whispered walking over to Topper, who was getting out. 

Why the fuck was Topper here?

"Hey Rafe, no Beef man. I'm uh, I'm here to meet Sarah", he explained making me frown, why would he pick up Sarah by my house?

"Sarah's not here, obviously. Go chase her somewhere else", Rafe replied flicking his wrist slightly shooing the boy off. 

"What do you mean, Sarah's not here? I talked with her earlier and  I'm supposed to meet her here, supposed to pick her up", Topper explained. Why would he have to pick Sarah up by my house? What the fuck? 

"How would I know where my sister is, huh? I don't give a shit about her", Rafe snapped at his old best friend. 

It almost made me feel sad for Topper, he used to be introduced to all of our stuff but nowadays he was just another stand-by figure. 

"All right, man. You know what?", Topper scoffed turning back to walk to his car. 

"You think", Rafe started, walking behind the boy, "You think I want her with John B? Huh? Is that what you really think?"

"Is that where she is? Is she with John B?", Topper asked looking at Rafe almost heartbroken. Obviously, Sarah was with John B, if she wasn't with Topper or with me that was the only other place where she could be. 

"Where the hell else would she be? Huh? Unless she found some other sucker. Yeah?", Rafe chuckled, he was still high and I could tell by the way he slurred his words. 

"I can just track her. I completely forgot. I can just track her phone", Topper muttered grabbing his phone from his pocket. 

I sat up a little more straight, why would he be able to track her? That was fucking weird. 

"Are you spying on her?", Rafe asked almost sounding protective over his little sister. 

"No, I'm not spying on her. Rafe, I just care about her. I want to make sure she's safe", Topper explained getting ready to get into the car. 

But before he could step inside, my boyfriend snatched the phone from his hands. 

"Can I see that?"

"Give me my phone back", Topper demanded and I had to bite my tongue at the two boys, it looked like they were little kids again, fighting over a stupid phone. 

"What? Calm down, alright?", Rafe said looking through the phone, "What the hell is she doing out on Goat Island?" 

I looked at Renfield and I think we all thought the same thing. 

Angelic - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now