30. The perfect daughter

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

I groaned as soon as sunlight hit my eyelids. Without sitting up I could already feel my heavy head rested on the pillow beneath me.  

God I hated being sober. 

The sound of someone searching something through the house made it even more annoying for me to wake up. I glanced at the small clock beneath the guest bed and it said 10:34 AM. 

Who the fuck decided to literally redo Topper's house at 10:34 ?!

"Get the fuck out man, it's 10 AM and I don't have shit for you", I heard Topper talk to the other person in the house, he sounded just as annoyed as me. 

"Come on bro, just, just give it to me. Okay? I know you have some", the familiar voice stuttered.

My breath hitched in my throat, I hadn't heard from him in the past weeks, he literally just dropped off the edge of the world. Why was he here? Now that I'm here? 

I groaned into the pillow that was sadly no longer my protector from the outside world. While trying to hide in the covers of the comfiest bed I had laid in in ages, I started hearing the two boys' footsteps come closer. 

"Rafe come on man, just leave", Topper begged making them stop walking for a second. 

"Bro, just let me take your stuff I'll give it back to you", Rafe explained still stuttering, I didn't even want to know how much cocaine he had consumed in the past hour. 

"I'm not alone bro", Topper explained. 

"Do you think I care about a random bitch in here? Bro good for you but let me just take-", Rafe started explaining until he opened the door to the room I was laying in. 

I tried covering as much of myself as possible, hoping he wouldn't recognize me. Sadly Rafe knew almost my entire wardrobe so it didn't take him long to figure out who I was. 

"What the fuck man. Are you serious?", Rafe asked, his breath going in and out faster while he shoved his best friend. 

"It's not what it looks like", Topper tried explaining. 

But as you've might predicted, there was no use because within seconds Rafe was in Topper's face ready to kill him. 

"You fucked my girl? My best friend? How dare you?", he yelled. 

"Nothing happened calm down", I explained annoyed at his outburst. Of course, it looked suspicious but Topper's house had about six bedrooms. 

"And you, aren't you ashamed? Fucking slut", he muttered angrily at me. 

For some reason a lump started forming in my throat, it only showed me that I in fact still loved Rafe Cameron. 

"Bro she was drunk as hell, so I took her here so she could sleep out all the shit she put in her system", Topper explained and shoved Rafe away from him. 

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