42. One day

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

After staying the night at the Cameron house, I went home in the morning. The house was empty and clean just like it always was.  

All the mirrors were hung with white clothes and I knew that our chef who was a Hispanic woman did that, she always did that when someone passed in her family and now she's doing it for ours. She explained to me one day, that it would stop the souls from getting trapped on this earth. 

Other than that everything seemed to be perfect, perfect as always. 

I gulped and walked into the kitchen area where I saw my mom sitting at the table. Her head in her hands, an almost empty bottle, and a full glass of wine placed next to her. She had all kinds of paper scattered around as she stared at the screen of her laptop.

"Mom?", I asked, my voice coming out weaker than I had intended. 

"Hey", she replied softly, just glancing at me for a second before staring back at the screen. 

"What are you doing?", I asked. 

"Just looking at everything that your father left behind, the bills, the accounts, everything", my mother explained. 

Just after she finished her sentence, I felt another presence behind me, Leo. I didn't turn around to look at him and I could already feel that he was high, he was giving off so much heat. 

"Your father, uhm, your father left a letter. Maybe you two wanna read it", my mother explained nodding towards the counter of the kitchen where a letter was laying on. It felt weird seeing her like this, unstyled, unhappy, not pretending. 

I grabbed the letter and started reading it

'Dear family, 

I know this is not how we thought it would end. I know you're all confused and heartbroken over the events that took place just now. I had to leave, this was the only way out. I murdered Big John, it was my fault and I know you could never look at me the same. Ward and I talked a lot about this, about what we could do and since this was the only way out, I went down with my brother. I want you all to know that I loved you with my entire heart and I will watch over you from above. You are my family, you guys need to stick together like a family. This isn't the end it's just the end for me, you keep the name Bamford running. 

My beloved wife, I have promised you on the day of our wedding, that I would always care for you and always protect you. Leaving like this was my way of protecting you. I'm leaving my wealth to you as well as the house you're living in right now. I want you to never feel like you need anything, I want you to have it all. The love we have for each other goes beyond and once we're reunited it will be as strong as ever. 

Leonard, son. I loved you since the day you were born. You were going to be my successor and I still want you to be just that. You and Rafe, you're gonna take Ward's and my position and I want you to make me proud. You made me proud every single day of my life and I love you so deeply as a father could ever love his son. 

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