24. Pogue Boyfriend

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

I grabbed onto Rafe tightly, scared to fall off the motorcycle that was driving way over the speed limit. Dear God, if my mother would see me right now.  

The three of us reached the familiar rusty VW bus which belonged to John B, while Rafe drove quicker to be lined up with the window. 

I buried my face in his back hoping we wouldn't crash into the vehicle. I would rather not die on the pavement because my boyfriend hit a rusty bus, at least let it be getting run over by a Porsche. 

"Hey, pull that piece of shit over!", Rafe demanded catching the brunette's attention. 

I rolled my eyes at Rafe's choice of words, excellent if you want something from someone. 

Without any warning, Rafe drove even faster ripping the wheel around so the motorcycle came to a 90-degree turn. I shrieked praying to god for once in my life, that he wouldn't let me die. 

To my surprise, Rafe had managed to not only stop the motorcycle but to stop the car which belonged to the Pogue gang. 

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!", Sarah yelled stepping out of the vehicle her new boyfriend was driving. 

I decide to ignore her since we hadn't exchanged a word since the incident at Kelce's party. I quickly hurried off the motorcycle steadying myself on my wobbly legs, thanking the earth and god and universe for not taking the ground away from me. 

"There she is little miss perfect!", Rafe yelled taking his helmet off. He was clearly high but right now I couldn't care less, sending an awkward smile towards John B which he surprisingly returned. 

"Hello? Are you high?", Sarah asked angrily making me shift my weight from one foot to another, "Damnit we could have run you over. What is this? Are you two dating now?". 

"As if you care", I scoffed looking at the girl that not only broke my heart but my trust. 

"God, that's disgusting. You two playing Bonnie and Clyde now or why are you dragging her into this?"

"Because I actually care for you Sarah", I spoke up and was clearly telling the truth, even though I knew it wasn't wanted. 

"Yeah sure, that's why you were fucking my brother behind my back, just shut the fuck up", Sarah snapped making me bite the inside of my cheek. 

I wouldn't say I regret anything I had done with Rafe but if it would mean getting my best friend back, I wouldn't hesitate to turn the time back and change everything. My emotions were coming back up but I swallowed them down, deep inside myself where they belong.

"I just heard about your little home invasion", Rafe started glancing over at me.

"What are you talking about?", Sarah asked looking at her brother.

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