44. The island room

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Rafe's POV

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Rafe's POV

After I had dropped Maddy off at her house, I went back to Tannyhill. Tonight was a good night and I was actually enjoying myself. Maddy and I were better than ever and I knew I had her on my side. 

She had nothing to worry about, not even about that Sophia chick. I knew she liked me but I couldn't care less about her, she was a Pogue. My Maddy was the most gorgeous girl in the whole world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

I parked my car in our driveway, getting out, and walking into the house which seemed empty. Wheezie was probably upstairs doing whatever ever and I knew what I needed right now. I needed some cocaine right now. I had stopped doing it as much but sometimes I just couldn't resist especially when I was drinking. 

I sat down at the table, preparing a line of white powder. 

"All right, All right. Just one", I whispered to myself as I prepped the line before sniffing the white powder up my nose. The drugs hit fast and I quickly got to my high, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"That's not gonna solve anything", I heard Rose's voice say. I turned my head and saw her standing in the hallway. 

"How would you know?", I chuckled. 

"You've got a problem, Rafe", she said and grabbed the bag with the white powder which was laying next to me. 

"What are you doing? Give it back to me", I ordered getting off of my seat. 


"Give it to me", I snapped grabbing the woman by her arms and ripping the bag from her hands, "You know what my problem is? I got a stepmother who lies to me. You think I'm stupid, huh? You think - you think I believe that line of shit about how you can't find the gold?"

I chuckled letting out a deep exhale. This woman was thinking I was stupid, she wanted to get all the money from the gold. 

"Listen, admit it, Rose, Admit it", I yelled, "You know where the gold is, right?"

"Rafe stop", Rose yelled as I grabbed the knife that was laying on the kitchen counter. 

"Okay, you know where the gold is"


"And you just wanna keep it for yourself, right?", I asked getting closer to her face, "You do. Yeah"

"Don't touch me", the woman snapped as I touched her head slightly with my finger, "If anyone should be paranoid, it's me. You were the one that was in the Bahamas with Ward"

"You were married to him", I snapped pointing the knife at the blonde woman standing in front of me, "I'm living under the same roof as a thief!"

"What are you gonna do, Rafe?", Rose asked her eyes turning cold as she took one step towards me, "He never trusted you. Ugh, even when you were little, you were always slithering around always sucking up"

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