35. Perfect family

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Maddy's POV 

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Maddy's POV 

I stayed behind while Rafe went to talk to Ward. I reeked of something that wasn't even definable because I helped Kie. I smelled on my top immediately crunching up my nose. 

Ugh, I needed to take a shower badly, I thought to myself as I was sitting on Rafe's bike. He was talking to Ward by the docs. 

I watched as the boats rocked side to side softly with the waves, the warm summer air went through my hair making me close my eyes for a second. I loved summer so much and even though it was almost over, this had to be the most eventful summer of my life. 

I smiled to myself remembering the good moments like meeting Rafe, trying to escape the bad ones that did not belong in my head just at this very moment. 

Thinking about these moments made me not realize that the boy that I was daydreaming about was approaching me. 

With one motion he pulled me off the bike and right into his arms, he cupped my face and placed a long deep kiss on my lips. 

"I reek", I whined looking up into the ocean-blue eyes that were staring right back at me. 

"I don't care, I love you even if you're stinky", he smiled brightly. 

His mood was already telling me that the talk with his dad went well. You never know with Ward and Rafe. One day it will be all good and then the next Rafe is getting kicked out of the house. 

"I love you too", I smiled. 

"You know, Dad was so glad we found the gun and we already made a plan about how things will continue. He wants me to go to the Bahamas with him", Rafe explained proudly, freeing himself from me as he talked happily. 

I smiled looking at the happy boy, it was good seeing him this way. This was the Rafe I had fallen for. 

"You know what? You-You should come. Come to the Bahamas with us baby, we'll make it a fun little vacation", Rafe smiled, his hands now placed back onto my lower back pulling me into him. 

I took a second on debating whether to go, but then I realized I still had school to attend and a life to live. 

"I have school, I bet my parents will kill me already for skipping today", I giggled. 

"You helped me, my dad, my family, and your family", Rafe explained brushing a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear, "You have no idea how grateful I am for you". 

"I love you", I whispered before attaching our lips again. 

The kiss was sweet and yet it took my breath away. I didn't know what had changed but being with Rafe, being here with him made me realize how much I actually needed him. 

"I love you", he smiled grabbing his bike. 

"Let me take you home gorgeous, I will sleep over if it's fine with your dad", Rafe smiled. 

Angelic - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now