Jungwon wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close. "You're a trooper, Y/n. We'll get you home soon."

They made their way outside the airport, where Jay's car was waiting. Jungwon helped load their bags into the trunk while Y/n stood beside him, her eyelids drooping slightly.

"Almost home," Jungwon whispered into her ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine.

She nodded, grateful for his presence. As they drove through the familiar streets of Seoul, Y/n felt a mixture of exhaustion and contentment settle over her. The car eventually came to a stop in front of her house, and she began to gather her belongings.

"See you tomorrow, Y/n?" Jay called out with a grin.

Y/n managed a small wave. "Yeah, for sure."

Just as she was about to head inside her own house, Jungwon's hand closed around hers. She looked up at him in surprise as he gently tugged her towards his own house next door.

"Come on, Y/n," he said with a playful glint in his eyes, "you're practically sleepwalking. You can crash at my place tonight."

She hesitated for a moment, then gave him a tired but appreciative smile. "Thanks, Jungwon."

Inside his house, Y/n felt a wave of comfort wash over her. She headed straight for the bathroom, eager to take a refreshing shower. Meanwhile, Jungwon had noticed an envelope by the door. Curiosity piqued, he picked it up and went into the living room to read its contents.

As the water cascaded over her tired body, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel, to find Jungwon deep in thought. She padded over to him, her damp hair sticking to her skin.

"Hey, what's that?" she asked, tilting her head to get a glimpse of the envelope.

Jungwon's expression changed, a mix of surprise and concern flickering across his face. He quickly folded the letter and stuffed it into his pocket. "Oh, it's nothing important. Just some random mail."

Y/n narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but she didn't press the matter. Instead, she let out a yawn and stretched her arms above her head.

"Mind if I crash here on the couch?" she asked, her voice muffled by another yawn.

Jungwon shook his head with a smile. "Of course not, Y/n. Make yourself at home."

As Y/n settled onto the couch, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, Jungwon's thoughts were still consumed by the contents of the envelope. His father's request to move to China for work hung over him, casting a shadow on what had otherwise been a perfect day.

With a sigh, Jungwon took a seat beside Y/n, watching over her as she drifted off to sleep. He knew that eventually, he would have to share the news with her. But for now, he wanted to cherish these moments, just the two of them, before facing the uncertain future that awaited him.

~ Couple days later ~

Strange behavior:

The days since their return from Paris seemed to drift by, each filled with a sense of both familiarity and unease. Y/n had slipped back into her routine at the dog cafe, the wagging tails and playful barks providing a sense of normalcy amidst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in her mind.

Yet, there was a subtle shift, a growing awareness that something was amiss. Y/n's expectations of Jungwon's presence at home seemed to go unanswered, and the once shared details of their day-to-day lives began to feel more distant. Unintentionally, a seed of suspicion had been planted, prompting her to observe Jungwon more closely.

Meanwhile, Jungwon found himself caught in a web of his own emotions. The envelope from his father weighed heavily on his mind, the contents of the letter threatening to reshape his life. He knew that he couldn't burden Y/n with this yet, that he needed time to come to terms with the decision before involving her.

To distance himself from the impending choice, Jungwon spent more time with his friends, immersing himself in their company to escape the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm him. Though each laugh and shared moment offered temporary respite, the truth remained: he was avoiding facing the inevitable.

One evening, he walked into Y/n's house with a seemingly casual smile on his face, his eyes betraying the internal struggle he battled. "Hey," he greeted softly, his voice a blend of warmth and uncertainty. "Guess what? We're invited to a party at Heeseung's place this weekend."

Y/n looked up from her place on the couch, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her gaze. "Really? That sounds fun. I didn't know he was throwing a party."

Jungwon nodded, the faintest hint of relief touching his expression. "Yeah, he mentioned it earlier. Heeseung said it's going to be a blast. You up for it?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind spinning with a myriad of thoughts. Part of her wanted to decline, to confront Jungwon about his recent behavior. But she also recognized that this party could be an opportunity to bridge the growing gap between them.

"Sure," she finally replied, offering a small smile. "It sounds like a good time. I'm in."

As Jungwon's eyes met hers, he felt a mix of emotions - gratitude, guilt, and a flicker of hope. He knew that he couldn't keep his secrets forever, that the truth would have to come out eventually. But for now, he hoped that this party would offer a chance to rekindle the connection between them, even if just for a little while longer.

To be continued...

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