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Lisa was standing on her porch hugging herself tightly and was musing about his and Hoseok altercation...

Flashback before Oprah run to pavilion:-

She was checking the people who was having their meal perfectly or not along with other royal's.. that's when she felt a soft yet firm grip on her wrist that made her heart to throb recognising the touch of his love jung Hoseok..

Before she could query or shout on him he started dragging her from their to a silent place where no one was.. other's noticed but they can't leave the visitants ...

Lisa was furious of his demeanor, when she noticed there is no one and no one can hear them she shriek on him ,while snatching her hand back...

Lisa :: Comander what in the tarnation with your demeanor huh?  Wh-

Hoseok didn't let her finish her phrase as he
Shriek on her louder, taking out all his nuisance,..

Hoseok :: What the Dickens with your demeanor Lisa huh !? You are not  talking with me., Not even looking at me.. why !?

She grit her teeth taking one step closer to him she berserk in her icy vent...

Lisa :: I can do whatever I want., If  i want to talk with you i will.. if  i dont then I will not..
Why do you even care !?

Hoseok clearly get ache in his heart by her word's. That's make him more distraught similarly taking one step closer to her as he sneered..

Hoseok :: why should I care , really !? So you're musing that when you want you'll talk , and when you don't you'll not.. what am I? A rag doll.. that you can play with your fuck-

Lisa slit him off before he could complete his phrase in her shrill vent. That made him
Enrage by her interruptions...

Lisa :: to begin with profane is forbidden in Daegu, and top of that why , why should you concern about my resonance, you - you are no one to me, I am no one to you , then why !?

Hoseok eye's shine with tear's and a perplexed look was shown on his features, why she's doing it! just why ! He grossed out not aware of his foible..

Today he's not going to let her go without
Knowing the motive, he had witnessed the
Care , fondness, attachment, and Love in her eyes for himself... Did he mistaken thing's or just envision too much..

Not having any reply from him , Lisa notion he don't want to query anything, she was
Gratified he didn't query anything else since she herself is anguish, and if she'll stay here more her emotions will burst as

She already had mourn Hoesok too much .
And now she don't want it. Turning her heels she was about to go but gasp when Hoseok Grasp her left wrist and twirl her around to face him.He twist her hand behind her back Gripping tightly..and her right palm on his chest.. feeling his heart beat...

Body collide with eachother, nose bumped,
Breath merge, he squeeze her when she trying to wiggle out from his grip. And she heard his mournful vent that's make her weak..

Hoseok :: Feel it , feel it by yourself Lisa. How rapidly it's throbbing since  you're so closed to me , since I am holding you so tight close to me, feel it Lisa , feel it . This the greatest cause i concern about...

Tear's roll down from her big eye's. Heading his agonising word's. feeling his heart beat she can speak he was right.. it was throbbing accurately similar rhythm as her..
Swift yet placid..

That was sufficient for her to breakdown. Putting her forehead on his chest , closing her eyes she mumbled in her solemn vent..
Hoseok leave her left hand and she placed it on his biceps.. and his one hand on her waist...

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