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Dorian touched the back of his head before he glanced over his shoulder to address the intense stare from the female trailing behind him.

"If I didn't know better I'd have to assume you don't trust me very much," his tone was laced with sarcasm and a smirk was plastered on his face.

Zarria's nose scrunched causing her upper lip to pull back slightly in a displeased manner, "You've given me no reason to trust you, especially after you snuck up on me and proceeded to chase and attack me."

Dorian turned around and began to walk backwards lifting his hands up in defense.

"You attacked first. Remember? I can practically still feel the sand in my eyes," he used both middle fingers to pull down on both eyes while sticking out his tongue.

Zarria had noticed multiple things about this male in the couple of hours they had been walking.

One. In the daylight she finally saw him clearly. This male was a giant. Although draped in dark clothing it was evident his form was lean yet muscular and practically screamed strength. Zarria stood at approximately 5'11 at the least and this male towered her.

Two. His skin was a soft bronze color that still seemed to hold a slight paleness. She had connected this to him residing in the mountains.

Three. This males eyes held the colors of the sky then the sun sets. When he stared at her too long it made her slightly uncomfortable. She had also observed that sometimes when starring at her his pupils would dilate and his expression would darken. It creeped her out to say the least.

Zarria pulled out of her own thoughts just as the back of Dorians foot caught the root of a tree, resulting in him slamming into the earth below on his back. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with both hands as an amused chuckle came out. Dorians eyes snapped up to look at her, his mouth pulled back in a soft smile.

"Oh so she finds my pain amusing!" He rolled himself backwards onto his shoulders and neck before kicking his feet out landing back on his feet. This caused Zarria to role her eyes.

'Show off' she thought.

It was clear this male was physically impressive, but she would never acknowledge it out of fear his ego could get any bigger.

"How far is your clan? Walking is starting to wear at my psychological limit," she rubbed her temples to exaggerate.

During their long walk, the desert had slowly shifted into a landscape with denser vegetation. She could not help but get excited to see the forest Dorian had mentioned when talking about his home.

"We will reach a small settlement within a couple more miles. There we will purchase some mules to take us the rest of the way."

"Excuse me, I don't have money to purchase a... mule," her face shifted into a confused expression. She did not know what a mule was, and did not bring anything worth trading for one.

"Don't worry about it, I have more than enough to purchase two," Dorian paused and his expression turned into one of a smug feline. "Unless you'd prefer to share one and you can hold onto me."

Without another word but still showing her disgust with the egotistical male, Zarria pushed her chin out in a motion to tell the male to keep walking. Zarria was actually somewhat happy to know soon she wouldn't have to walk anymore. One sniff of her clothes and she slightly gagged at the horrid smell. Her cheeks flushed hot at the thought the male could possibly smell her and she quickly became embarrassed. Although she was not entirely fond of the irritable male, she did find him attractive and hated that she smelt terrible and probably looked worse.

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