Chapter 26 - Understanding Amity

Start from the beginning

Of course, with time came understanding and after a while, our relationship warmed up a little. We got over the hostilities and were finally able to work as a true team. For the first time, I felt like I belonged, at least a little bit. Generally, the sudden change of pace, being cut from my family, and everyone I knew, was hard but when I straightened things out with Hunter it got much easier. He was a huge help. Actually, I did something similar to what you did to me, Luz. I broke his emotional barriers and reached the more empathetic side. Slowly we became friends, we always had each other's back, both during the missions and clashes with other scouts.

Years passed, and everything was going great. We accomplished a lot together, but with each new mission, the difficulty rose, and well... soon enough we had to do some questionable stuff. That's when the first cracks started showing. Of course, the stupid me believed blindly in every single emperor's word, but not Hunter. From time to time, he was skeptical when it came to the missions' objectives, though I was always able to convince him to follow through. Still, every time he had a chance, he did his best to twist the emperor's words and make the mission less... awful. Titan, I don't even want to remember some of them... I feel horrible...

Anyhow, that's still not the point, though maybe something for later. Now, the first major problem rose when we were sent to take care of a 'monster' in the forest near Latissa. Back then it felt like something quite normal, at least nothing extraordinary. We used to deal with monsters like Slitherbeasts and others if they were a danger to a settlement. We looked for it for hours but to no avail. Right when we were about to give up we saw it, a giant dragon.

Without wasting a second, we went after it, but no matter how hard we tried we weren't able to catch it. After quite a struggle Hunter managed to hit it with a spell from his staff and the monster disappeared in a cloud of smoke. That's when we knew it was an illusion, and soon enough we found its source. A small cabin in the woods, with a single old man living there. As a coven official, I stormed inside where I was confronted by him. Hunter followed me, but upon entering he immediately took the initiative from me. While they were busy, I took a stroll around the house and located something suspicious under a sheet. It turned out to be a huge Galdorstone. I tried to confront the man, but I was shut off by Hunter. Before I could protest, he dragged me out of the building and said we were on our way back. Of course, back then I wasn't willing to let it slide, I knew the emperor would reward us handsomely for such an artifact. Yet, Hunter remained unphased. He told me that there is no way we are giving something so powerful to the emperor and that I shall not speak about what happened here. Normally I would not have listened, but he said it with such a threatening voice that at the time I was more scared of him than of Belos.

After this first act of defiance, everything went downhill. He fabricated the report and instructed me to keep my mouth shut. I haven't faced any real consequences because Lilith was always understanding. Hunter, on the other hand, got a new scar on his cheek, for which I partially blamed myself. After this fiasco, defying the orders became commonplace for Hunter. I always told him that as the Golden Guard, he can't do it, but he didn't care.

After a while, we stopped going on missions together since our success rate has fallen drastically. From there on Hunter was doing solo jobs while I was assigned to do much more with Lilith and other random scouts. It led to only one thing, I became more and more obsessed with rules and law, glorifying the covens. Everything went back to 'normal' until one eventful night came. A night exactly one year ago, when everything crumbled and became the source of my guilt.

I remember it too well... It was right before midnight when I heard knocking on my door. I hoped it wasn't anything important, I was exhausted after a training session, but when I opened the door, I saw Hunter. It was months since our last mission, though he had not changed even a bit. Of course, I saw him from time to time, but he was always wearing his mask. Now he was not, and I instantly knew it was something important. I stepped out of my room and listened to what he had to say, though when he finished, I was too astounded to form a proper sentence.

He told me that he wants to leave the castle today and never come back, start a new life. He asked me to join him. In retrospect, I wish he thought about it a little more, because there was no way that I from a year ago would leave the coven. Literally no way. I didn't want to leave the coven, nor was I able to. I had my family, though annoying, still family. I was a Blight, esteemed name, there was no way I would just leave. Of course, I asked if he was joking but he continued to persuade me, dead serious. I informed him of the fact that doing such a thing would be treason and that I wouldn't let it slide. We started arguing about it, and he left. I knew he was still gonna go for it, and blinded by rage... I went to the guards and informed them about the escape. That was the worst thing I could have done, though back then I had no idea what the consequences of this decision would be.

The emperor summoned me a few minutes later and asked me for details about Hunter's escape. It shouldn't be a surprise that I provided everything he needed. Without hesitation, he put me in charge of locating and capturing the rogue Golden Guard. I got my own squad to command, and we began the search. I would have never guessed I would have to hunt down my best friend... It didn't take long, not at all, now I wish we never found him, but the past me was ecstatic. It wasn't the smartest move on Hunter's side to provide me with details of his plan, and before sunrise he was already in chains, being brought back to the castle. I can't even express how much I would like to go back n time and stop myself... unfortunately, I can't.

I proudly delivered Hunter to the castle and brought him directly to the emperor. I was dismissed and without saying a word I left the throne room hence I have no idea what happened there, but I remember hoping that Hunter will only get a little slap on the wrist. After all, he was the emperor's golden boy. Sadly, I was dead wrong, a slap on the wrist would be something that Lilith would do, not Belos. There was something much worse awaiting the former Golden Guard.

He was petrified by noon. When I heard the news, I broke down crying. I would have never expected something like this. Such a harsh punishment for a teenage mood swing... That was the first time it hit me that there might be something wrong with the system. The first crack on my wall of faith, the worst thing being, how much it took to create it. Soon, it became even worse. The emperor wanted to make sure I didn't get any ideas, considering that officially Hunter was still my best friend. He ordered to put the statue in the middle of Bonesborough, so I would pass it every day while going to the training center. Every, single, day I had to witness what I did, my best friend... To make it even more cruel, the official statement was that the Golden Guard tragically died during a mission and this statue was supposed to be a memorial. I was one of the only people who knew the truth. The painful truth... My Blind devotion to the coven... It's all my fault if I wasn't so stuck up if I simply let it go... He would be somewhere on the Boiling Isles, living, undisturbed..."

I couldn't continue the story, reliving all of it... I don't remember crying so hard since it happened. However, this time I had Luz right beside me. She was also crying and squeezing me tightly. Seeing her cry made me feel even worse, but at the same time, I was glad I wasn't alone.

"Oh my god, Amity, why haven't you told me earlier? You shouldn't have carried that burden alone." She said, hugging me even tighter. I had no idea how to react, I thought she would resent me for doing something like this.

"You don't hate me?" I asked.

"Of course, I told you I couldn't, you've proven time and time again that you've changed. Sure, you fucked up badly back then, but at least you are aware and more than sorry. Besides, they would have probably found him regardless of your involvement."

It was nice that she tried to cheer me up and excuse me a little, though I still felt it was entirely my fault. However, truth be told, I felt a bit better now that I shared this story with someone, and I'm glad it's someone as understanding as Luz.

"Come on Amity, let's get something to eat. Whatever happened, happened. Don't cry over the spilled milk. I promise you, if we get back on the Boiling Isles ever again, I will help you to atone. Even if it will require reversing the petrification."

Wow, I should thank the Titan for such a supporting girlfriend. I wish I met Luz sooner, maybe then everything could have been avoided, who knows...


Well, chapter 26 is done, I hope you enjoyed it. It was quite a read for sure. Nonetheless, there is still much more coming, especially action-wise, though this time focused on the present. If you have any questions regarding the story as a whole or from this particular chapter, ask in the comments and I will gladly reply. That's all for now, see you in the next one. 

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