"You can hold a brown paper bag to Buffy's mouth while you two make googly eyes at each other all on your own." Rebekah quipped.

Buffy and Stefan rolled their eyes, though they did avoid eye contact for a second.

Sighing, Buffy took one last bite of her protein bar before focusing on her stomach, it was still so weird actually seeing the way her stomach moved when the baby kicked. It made it look like she had an alien inside of her that was trying to force its way out "She's kicking again Bex."

Given that Rebekah had yet to feel the baby kick, that certaintly got her attention. In a blink of an eye, she had lost all interest in her girl-power display with Elena and was by Buffy's side pressing a hand to her stomach, her smile growing brighter with every little kick she felt.

Her niece was definitely going to be a fighter, no doubt about it.

"You and Nik settled on a name yet?"

"Yep." Buffy admitted wincing slightly as she felt a sharp kick to her bladder "First and middle names all selected."

Elena froze at that announcement, her big eyes focusing on Buffy who had yet to even glance in her direction the entire trip.

How did she not know that the baby finally had a name?

When did Buffy decide on a name?

"You picked a name?"

Flinching slightly at the sound of Elena's voice, Buffy finally acknowledged her existence simply nodding sharply "Yes." She answered, not willing to elaborate.

Given Elena's more than happy jump to the murder train when it came to the name Mikaelson, she had no intention of letting Elena near her daughter, let alone giving her any piece of information.

Rebekah smirked smugly at the defeated look on Elena's face, immensely enjoying the doppelganger's misery. Honestly, she wouldn't be surprised if Elena was just hanging around waiting for Buffy to finally crack and give her another chance at sisterhood, to do what she had done in the past and hide her own feelings to make Elena feel better.

That wouldn't be happening this time around.

Plus, Buffy had just lost her father, and no one was allowed to guilt trip her into forgiving Elena.

No one.

Rebekah was going to make sure no one dared to even try.

Tearing his eyes away from where Buffy's stomach was moving around, little feet pressing against the inside of her stomach, Stefan focused over on Rebekah. While she had every right to be furious, and more than every right to want Elena dead, now was not the time for the two of them to be acting passively aggressive with their hatred of each other. They hated each other, everyone knew it but their focus had to be on ensuring that Shane didn't rush off to try and wake Silas and end the world.

They could kill each other later.

"Given Elena the evil eye is not helping."

Rebekah just rolled her eyes at his statement "She killed my brother, turned her own brother into a catatonic mess..." Rebekah didn't actually blame Jeremy, plus she had seen the utter devastation on his face, even this morning when she had seen him at the docks, he had looked like a complete and utter mess. His own sister had manipulated him and tricked him into killing someone.

While yes, she couldn't see herself actually wanting to be around Jeremy, given it had still been his hand that delivered the final blow when it came down to it...Elena was the one that had organized all of the pieces.

Focusing on Buffy, she squeezed the blonde's shoulders softly while continuing to glare at Elena "Locked up the father of your baby, and I wouldn't have put it past her to dagger me again. She is lucky all she is getting is the evil eye. Though I do quite enjoy looking at her broken nose. It's an improvement."

Elena literally had a crooked nose that had tape all over it, as well as a massive purple-black eye courtesy of Buffy.

Buffy giggled without meaning to.

As Elena turned to glare at her, Buffy glared right back "I will give you another black eye if you keep looking at me with that stick up your butt." She warned before bringing her water to her lips. She didn't give a shit if Elena was upset right and she sure as hell didn't care if Rebekah was insulting her.

Every insult was earned and she in no way was going to jump to Elena's defense.

People always jumping to defend her is why she had become this person. Someone who couldn't see outside of her own bubble and Buffy had no intention of being around this version of Elena.

Plus, her father had just been murdered!

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