Act1:11-11 (In The Flesh)

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Writers note:Read chapter 6 for explanation.

Back to story:

A duel or fight between Gabriel and Robin comenssed.Unlike many others that robin fought Gabriel was different.He was faster and more difficult to aim at since he was above ground.

Even though robin had the concurrent experience in hell,nothing prepared him for what he was about to got through.

Gabriel:Come on human.Fight with whatever you have and show me no mercy!!

Robin in thought:He was confident about this fight,which scared him.He didn't fought anyone with the ability to move faster than light.He was faster than the flash.

The fight started and Gabriel immediately gave robin the first blow on the side of robins chest.He was confused and hurt on how fast did he reach him.

Gabriel laughed after he struck the first blow.Robin was pissed and screamed while getting close to attack him.When he came close, Gabriel had moved behind him,and kicked him down.


Robin didn't respond and already realized he was already out of breath.This might be due to extreme loss of blood.

Robin decided to play defensively by making sure that he wasn't hit by Gabriels blade.Robin started shooting at him.

Gabriel swiftly dodged him while boastfully laughing and saying:


Robin was already sick of him and knew that he wasn't ordinary,but robin learned one thing about every villian he fought...they all have a weakness.

Robin started to party his shotgun shells and aimed at Gabriel.Meanwhile Gabriel foolishly swung his blade at robin.And just when robin had thought he figured out his weakness. Gabriel threw his blade and cut robin in half...from his lower and upper being separated.

Robin felt lifeless and coughed blood and as he saw his lower body Infront of him... he started to pass out.

Gabriel:huh so this pathetic human was here to stop ME!?!What foolishness human, foolishness indeed.

As Gabriel was about to leave he saw something he wished to never happened.

Robin had theoritically died twice now.But he moved his hand in hope.

Gabriel saw this and was shocked on how is he still alive.He noticed something which he didn't before...robins lower body was bleeding and all the blood was streaming towards his upper body.Slowly but surely...robins lower had regrowed and since his other lower body was no longer his it was a random for robin..

Robin rised up was panting on what had just happened. have the ability of a God?

Robin:What?What do mean "ability of a God"?

Gabriel:Huh... Pathetic human,I took you for are a bigger threat that I can possibly imagine.

Robin:Wait still what did you mean by ability of a God tell me what the fuck that means?

Gabriel:Humph...I guess I should tell you since you are about to lose again...

That ability was inherited by a prime...

Robin:Wait what's a prime?

Gabriel: Dear God am I supposed to tell you that too?NO! I won't.

Tho your ability is the act of a weapon.You are clearly a weapon at the eyes of God.Humoh I'm jealous since that ability is one of the most noblest of warriors...but however it's time for you to...DIE!!!

[FINISHED] Robins Ultrakill ( Teen titans go and Ultrakill crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now