"The Bloodlust Of Ones Soul"... part(5/5)

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This...feeling...it's... SPECTACULAR!!
I see now why,mom and dad...you wished me for this feeling...it's...truly... something... interesting!

Robin stands at the middle of the arena covered in blood and his helmet was also covered in pure red...

He took his helmet off..His friends saw that his smile was a bit off...and only one question was at mind,

"Why was he smiling?"

Gabriel looked at his face and saw the need for blood...he was terrified of that look..but he didn't think about it too much...for now,he will release his best... fighters...all..at...ONCE!!

Gabriel:Human...you truly have came a long way,since your time in hell..so now..it's no longer the case...if I bring out my best fighters!

Robin smiles at him and begans to grin uncontrollably.He then yells,


Gabriel remarks him and releases,

The 5 Sinners...

As the gates of his opponents opens,he sees sight of desperation for blood...

The first one was a swords man,His entire blade was covered in red...The second was Long and slender,his entire torso and face was covered in a sheet and he wielded a spear...The third one was a green rodent like entity,it was huge for a rodent...The fourth one was an idol,It didn't move yet couldn't,robin thought of it was useless...but the fifth one was robins true enemy...It was a giant,his face and his right arm was cutted and you can see his dripping flesh and blood,he carried a giant rock with his left hand and it's hand was huge...

Robin smirked at this challenge...

The Au and his friends were horrified at what robin was about to face...


Cyborg:I agree with you me...but it's robin... he'll handle it...

His friends hoped for the best...

Robin began spinning his piercer and was ready for a challenge he longed awaited...an unfair one...


Robin runs at the giant as fast as he could,he was going to finish off the bigger one first...The rodent however threw some kind of homing acid spheres at robin but robin was able to parry it and it landed right back at the rodent causing it to disintegrate.

As robin came as close to the giant,the giant jumped up in the air...and causing it's surroundings to fall...Robin whiplashed the giant and was now flying towards it...

The crowd screamed and were excited at the fight...the titans and so as the AU were cheering on for him...

Robin used his piercer and shot it its arm...the arm was cut off...and now it was falling down on the idol...the giant creature was then flowing in pieces since robin had cutted its weak point...

Gabriel smiles as he saw the idol getting crushed by the arm...

"Now...the real fun begins..."

The White coated creature screamed as it saw it broke...

And stanced itself... creating some kind of beam aiming towards robin...as robin realized that he was being aimed by something...he quickly used the remaining falling parts of the giant and pushed himself to get out it's range...but he was too late...the light caused a lighting bolt,so strong and bright that it lit up the whole area...

[FINISHED] Robins Ultrakill ( Teen titans go and Ultrakill crossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin