"A visit from the OGs part (1/5)":

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Writers note:This story chapter includes the Teen titans (2003 version)


Its been a few months since robin had returned and things were back to the way there were used to...well with some changes.

Robin was currently with his girlfriend Starfire on a date.[That's nice]

Cyborg and beast boy and so as raven were playing video games on the gaming room.And the city of Jump city was quiet and fine since for a while.

Things were going perfect for the titans...well until...

"In the Game room"

Cyborg: Raven,How the fuck did you beat my high score? I was afk for a mili second!

Raven: I've just gotten better.Thanks to Robin for his once again moral therapy, I've been better and confident.

Beast boy:Oh is that so mama?

Raven:Yep.Im still glad he's back.

Cyborg and Beast boy happily agree.As there were playing,beast boy decided to take a bath room break.

After he finished his business and was making his way back,he saw a portal opened.

Beast boy:Ehh...What the heck is that?

He decided to call Cyborg and Raven since he didn't have the brain cells to understand.(Smart move beastie)

As they rushed and stanced alongside to see what was entering the portal...a fimiliar face showed up.

AU Raven:Hey there,Me.

Raven and the others were a bit flabbergasted to see who it was..and of course,they were happy.


AU Raven notices that she broke her character,but she was happy.
And soon after the others came along.

AU Robin:Hey guys,long time no see.

They greeted them and were extremely happy.

AU Starfire:Hmm...where is the other me?

AU Robin notices that too and also questioned it.

AU Cyborg:Yeah wait,other me is here,Raven,beast boy..but no Other Robin and Starfire.

Then beast boy casually says,

"Oh they're on a date"

This didn't shock the three AUs except AU robin and Starfire.

AU Robin:Hold on...WHAT!??

Raven:Yeah they're on a date....wait...don't you guys go on dates too?

AU Starfire:Oh we do...

AU Robin:It's just that...What caused it?

Cyborg:Huh...Caused what?

AU robin: They're relationship?

Raven wasn't feeling like telling AU the entire story behind robin..so she said,

"How about you ask him?"

AU Starfire:That's a wonderful idea.

She sparks up and was ready to meet her tamarnain sister.( I feel like I pronounced her species wrong)

AU robin on the other hand was wondering on how the actual fuck was he able to get into a relationship...

Raven:If your trying to find them...take this.

She tosses her communicator to AU robin.

Raven:When you get close to him the communicator will Blink.

[FINISHED] Robins Ultrakill ( Teen titans go and Ultrakill crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now