Chapter 12

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I look at Jackson and smile. I grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor. We're jumping and singing at the top of our lungs to the songs.  We're having the best time. His hands move from my mid back to my hips. He pulls me in close and kisses me, hard. My lips part and his tongue snakes through intertwining with mine. He turns me around and I start to grind on him. I can feel him getting hard through his dress slacks and my tight blue dress. God he looks so good. His gray dress slacks fit him perfectly, outlining his perfect muscular legs and his juicy football player butt... you know the one. He's wearing a tight white long sleeve button up dress shirt and a gray sports jacket. His hair is perfectly gelled back. I feel his hands tighten on my hips and pushes into me. "I know you can feel me. I've been ready for you all year baby." His words send goosebumps down my spine.

"1 Foot apart! No grinding." A chaperone blurts. "Always a buzzkill" Jackson whispers. We oblige and dance a foot apart like we're told. A slow song comes on and we sway along to the music. I'm lost in taking in the beautiful decor. It's dimly lit, by tons of lantern lights and string lights. Rows of tables host the endless amount of finger foods and punches. The tables in the corner are decorated with white table cloths and flowers as center pieces. In the beginning of the huge room is a flower arch that you walk through to a back drop scene of a night sky with lanterns above. Something out of the "tangled" movie. Everyone is either dancing, or sitting at the table eating. It's crowded but it's not an uncomfortable crowded feeling.

"Baby I love you so much. I'm so lucky. I'm going to miss you so much when I go out of state next year. But being able to feel all of you will give me something to hold on to while I'm gone." He says rubbing my back up and down.
" I'm going to miss you too. We can see each other on breaks and talk on the phone everyday." I say rubbing the back of his neck.

The dance goes on perfectly. We had so much fun. We get into our limo and head to the after party. We arrive to the house that is lined with kids and cars. Once again loud music bumps inside so loud that you can hear it from the yard. It's a medium size brick house on the corner of a street. A nicely sized front yard that is crowded with cars and a random couch. We enter the crowded house hand in hand. We both get handed an oh so familiar drink. Sex on the beach. It almost feels like the universe knows I'm about to enter into women hood. The little naive girl in the beginning of the year who never went to a party or drank and god for bid ever thought about sex. I remember her thinking that a drink with the word sex in it meant actual sex. I giggle at my own self and down the drink. We join a little game of beer pong and of course we loose so we get tipsy pretty fast.

I feel Jackson's big hands grab my hips from behind and pull me in. He whispers in my ear "baby I'm so ready for you. Are you ready?" I turn around to him and give him a kiss as an answer. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. We enter the room that I do vaguely remember as my first experience at a party getting almost date raped. Jackson locks the door and turns the lamp on. He lunges for me and grabs me hard. He plants his lips on me and kisses me ferociously. I can taste the sweet drink on his lips. His hands are hungrily feeling every inch of me. I grab his hair and pull it, hard. He unzips my dress and it pools down at my ankles. I see his eyes raking over me. I slide my underwear off. And unlatch my bra. I stand there bare naked offering myself to my high school sweetheart. Jackson throws his coat off and I walk over to him and kiss him passionately. I undo the buttons on his shirt and roll it off his shoulders. He undoes his belt and takes his slacks off. He picks me up and carries me to the bed and throws me on it. My legs are open and hugging his hips and my hands are rubbing over his strong arms. I reach down and grab his hard dick. He's kissing my neck and pounding his fingers in me. He stops and takes in my naked body laying before him. "God you're so sexy. Let me get my condom on." He walks back over to his slacks and gets his condom out and rips it open. He's slowly rolling it on teasing me, he climbs back on top of me. "You ready?" He says looking me in the eyes.
"I'm ready. Just go slow please." He kisses me softly and I feel the warm softness of his tip rubbing my clit. He slowly enters me, I wince as I feel my self stretch to take him all in. He pumps slowly, twisting is hips to get every inch in. "Is this ok? Does it feel good?"
"Harder" I breathe in his ear. "Oh god." He bites his lip and and starts pounding into me. I can hear him slapping against me and it's a satisfying sound. "Oh god.. oh god... you feel so good Lizzie."

This does feel good. It hurts and burns and feels amazing all at the same time, I can't believe... wait.. Lizzie? Did he just moan Lizzie?

"Excuse me what?" I say pushing him off.
"I....I...I meant Daisy. Come here baby let me back in there I was so close to finishing. He crawls over the bed and grabs me and pins me against the wall and kisses me.
"No! You said Lizzie. I can't believe it! I was so stupid! You guys are sleeping together."
"Daisy stop, I'm not letting you ruin this for me. Now. shut. Up." He picks me up and puts me on the bed and forces himself in side of me, slamming into me. I'm wiggling away from him slapping his chest. "Get off of me Jackson. GET OFF." I scream as loud as I can. I pinch the back of his arm and push him the hardest I can and kick him in the chest.  "Don't ever touch me again you worthless piece of shit."

I grab my dress and pull it back on without zipping it. I run out of there as fast as I can literally crying my makeup off. "Daisy, get back here. You're not going to ruin this. You promised me."
I'm running so fast I don't notice all the people staring at me. I run down the stairs outside and run face first into what feels like a brick wall. I look up and astonished to see Miles.

"Hey.. are you okay?" He says grabbing my face in his large hands.
"You we're right. I'm so stupid." I sob into his hands.
"Do you want to get out of here?" I nod. I don't care where we go just anywhere but here. How could I think that he loved me? How could I think we would be together forever.
Of course they were sleeping together, they live 3 houses down from each other.
I get into Miles car and he starts the engine. He peels out of the driveway and we start on the main road.
"Why are you here?" I ask him my face soaked in tears and probably mascara and boogers.
"I'm always at every party here. I'm friends with Daniel, well not so much anymore."
I give him a knowing nod as to why.
"How do you know Jackson and Lizzie."

"Jackson and I know each other through Lizzie actually. I use to date Lizzie. And then she cheated on me with Jackson. That's how I knew what they looked like. I know she says I'm obsessed but I'm not. I couldn't care less about her. I care about you, Daisy." He says reaching his hand on my shoulder.

We drive back to his place and I take my "spot" on his bed.  He lends me some of his clothes to wear for the night. I slide on his gym shorts and huge shirt that is more like a dress. It smells like him. Sweet with a hint of cigarette. He takes the couch like last time. I lay there crying wondering how long this has been going on for. Is Lizzie's baby really Jackson's?

Thank you to all who have read my first ever book. There will be a sequel so keep your eyes peeled for it. I'm always up for comments, suggestions, critiques. Thank you again.

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