Chapter 10

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The bell rings bringing me to my first class. Lizzie isn't back yet. We have almost all of our classes together, it's strange not having her with me today. She called me late last night saying that she might be able to go home today on bedrest. She sounded pretty upset about that since prom is in 2 weeks.

The day goes by slowly as usual. Me and Jackson eat lunch together and have a nice drive back to his house. We decide to hang out for a while until his mom and dad come home from work. We finish up homework, watch a few movies and just hang out in his room. "How are feeling about prom night coming soon? He asks rubbing my inner thigh with a sly smile. "I actually feel not as scared as before. Still nervous and scared.. just a little bit less." I say giving him a kiss on his cheek. He catches me off guard and grabs my cheeks with his hands and pulls me back in for a long wet kiss. I part my lips for his tongue to enter. We have a passionate kiss and his hands start to wonder to my chest. He's felt me up before over Christmas break over my shirt but not under. He slides his warm hands under my shirt and starts to grope me. He lets out a quiet moan. I lace my fingers in his brown hair and give a gently tug. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his broad waist. I can feel his excitement as he carries me to his bedroom.

He gently rests me on his bed and starts to take my shirt off wildly like a hungry caveman. He undoes his jeans and exposes his erect appendage in his boxers. He climbs on top of me and kisses me hungrily. He starts to undo my shorts and pulls them down along with my underwear. He slides two fingers into me. I since from the force he uses. I feel him stop for a moment and I quietly thank god because it was hurting. I feel something soft and warm rubbing on the inside of my leg. It moves over me and tries to enter me with force. I open my eyes to see both hands by my head and I push him off me. "What're you doing?! Is that your... you know?" I say crawling backwards. I see his naked erect body in front of me. "Yeah.. I thought you were initiating sex?"

"What the hell? No! I told you prom night. You didn't even ask me first!" I say covering myself with my hands. "I..I... didn't see a difference? It's two weeks away so why wait?" He says shrugging. "I want to wait the 2 weeks. We had a plan. I can't believe you would try that and not ask me first or use protection for that matter." I say climbing off his bed and pulling my shorts and underwear back on. "I'm going home. I'll see you later." I get my stuff and rush down stairs. "Daisy.. please I'm sorry. I got caught up in the moment." I hear his say from his room. I run out the door with tears streaming down my face. I get into my car and just cry. Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought I was. If it was prom night like we agreed I would be more ready. Wouldn't I?

I get home and thankfully my mother is in the shower "Daisy? Is that you? Do you want to go get dinner and bring it back to Lizzie's house? She called for you earlier but you weren't here. She's back home now... Daisy?"

I run into my room and close the door. I frantically dry the tears from my eyes and smooth my hair down. I don't want her to know I was crying and ask a thousand questions. I hear a soft knock on my door. "Daisy? Did you hear me? I'm coming in.." she says slowly coming in. "Um.. yeah I heard you sorry I was coming to change real quick. That sounds great thank you." I say avoiding eye contact. "Daisy what's wrong? I know you, I know when you've been crying." She says sitting on the edge of my bed. "Nothing, just stressed and Jackson and I got into a little fight.. no big deal. Are you ready to go?"
"Daisy, you can talk to me.. about anything even boy problems.. if you want to. But, yes I'm ready let's go."

We get Chinese food and of course McDonalds milkshakes for Lizzie. We arrive to her house and we all start digging into our meals. We talk about Hunter and school and prom. We actually had a nice time. I guess me talking to my mom about Lizzie and Hunter helped. Even though she doesn't like Lizzie she's at least trying to be supportive. Me and Lizzie go to her room for some girl time while our moms chat.

"How was school today? I missed you guys." Lizzie says laying down and propping her feet up. I sit across from her and run her swollen feet. "It was boring. I wish you were there but I understand. Are you excited to start online school since you have to be in bedrest?"
"Yes and no. Yes because I can't fit into the desk anymore and I can sleep in. But, no because I won't see you or Jackson or anyone else besides my mom now."  "Yeah it sucks. But we gotta keep little guy healthy. Me and Jackson got into a fight today." I say holding back tears. "Aw why? What did the idiotic bandage wipe do this time?" She says rolling her eyes. I tell her the whole story, details and all. Her facial expression drops a little and becomes a little irritated? Maybe sad? Annoyed? I'm not sure. "Well maybe you guys should just not do it at all. Maybe you should wait for the right one." I am astonished.. Lizzie, the girl who hooks up with anyone.. the one who got pregnant.. as a teen telling me I should wait for the "right" one? "Um hello? Is Lizzie in there?" "What? I mean if you're still not ready maybe it's a sign that you guys aren't meant to be? I don't know." She shrugs. "Anyways, let's think of a baby shower theme!" She claps her hands and starts to show me different ideas of what she wants. I'm glad her mom is letting her keep the baby. This is the happiest I've seen her. We end up staying until Lizzie falls asleep and quietly say good bye and head out.

My mom and I get home and say good night and go our separate ways and get ready for the night. I am still in shock as Lizzie saying what she did. Maybe being pregnant is changing her, who knows. I read the list of text messages from Jackson but ignore them all. I decide I'll text him tomorrow and we'll talk about what happened.

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