Chapter 8

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"Daisy... DAISY! Please say something you're scaring me." Miles says shaking me. The air finally returns to my lungs. And my head is spinning, I'm shaking. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt the hot tears streaking down my face. It's dark out now, all you can see is the lights coming from the gas station and cars going past on the road. "How dare you accuse Jackson and Lizzie like that. She is my best friend and Jackson loves me!" I say shaking my head. "I'm sorry to have told you like this, and waited this long.. I just.. I just couldn't do it anymore." He says reaching a hand out for me. I slap it away and scoot as far away from his as possible. "They aren't sleeping together. Jackson is waiting for me on prom night and Lizzie is pregnant from a guy at a different school." I say shouting. "Daisy.. that baby is Jackson's.. not some random dudes. They've been sleeping with each other since... well.. since you got drugged." I whip my head around like it was on a swivel, "Why would you say that?! You don't even know them, you don't even go to our school! Take me back to my car now!" I say crossing my arms looking anywhere but his perfectly handsome face. "Daisy, please just let me...." "Miles, now!" I say blubbering like an absolute idiot. Miles starts the engine and drives off slowly into the night. We sit in silence for a while, "Daisy, please. Just listen to me. The night that I came in and grabbed you from Daniel... I... well, I saw Jackson run out of one of the rooms pulling up his pants with his shirt off and Lizzie was covered in a blanket naked on the bed. I saw it okay. I open my mouth to protest more, but instead I cry quietly to myself. How could he be so stupid. He doesn't even know what Jackson and Lizzie look like. He's just trying to break us up and make my life miserable. We finally get back to my car and I can't get out quick enough. As I'm unlocking my car I hear Miles say "Daisy, I'm sorry. I really care for you. I like you, like a lot. Jackson is a terrible person and so is Lizzie." He says with the most sincere tone. "Miles, just go. I'm never seeing you again. Don't ever talk to me again."
I get into my car, the cold leather stings the back of my arms as I get into the seat. I drive off frantically. The roads are dark, except for the few stop lights and street lights. I can't help but to replay the whole conversation over and over again. What if he's right? How stupid would I be if it was true. No, that would never happen. Jackson loves me, I'm giving my whole self to him in 4 weeks! Lizzie and I have been friends for.. well forever! Another thing stands out that he said.... He cares for me, he really likes me? I don't know why but it kind of made my heart skip a beat and butterflies fly around in my stomach. Gross. I hate him. He's a liar.
I finally arrive home and sneak through the squeaky front door. I tiptoe past my mom who is asleep on the couch of course with the news on. I get into my room closing the door softly. I stand there for a minute taking in the prudish pink bedroom with pink sheets and daisies everywhere.  "Why me?!" I say whining to myself. I fling myself on to my pink sheets and cry myself to sleep.

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