"I love that for you" she said smiling "I can tell you guys hit it off"

"Yea, you know, we've been talking for awhile now, and I guess we're just taking it slow?" I said unsure

"Well I'm glad you're moving on" she said

I gave her a fake smile because although it was a step towards someone new I wasn't sure if I was ready quite yet to leave the situationship I had with a certain brown eyed girl

"I mean it's not like Sabrina and I are anything serious. I think for now I'm going to still enjoy myself"  I said

"Damn y/n, you didn't want anyone before and now you have two women. Look at you" she said

She said it as a joke but I could tell there was a slight hint of hurt

What is it with me unintentionally hurting these women??

"It's not like it's anything serious. I still would never want the commitment. No thank you" I said with a anxious laugh to ease her just a little because I did feel bad considering her feelings for me

I don't think I could tell her I've fallen for Camila. Even though she damn well knows I'm sure

And I also can't tell her I'm open to committing with Sabrina.

I think now I wouldn't mind trying a relationship with Stacy again but she was moving on with someone else now. I didn't want to make her confused.

"You know I want you to be happy right?" She said taking me off guard

I just looked up at her and nodded

"Yes we had our past and I had my feelings for you but overall you're my friend y/n. You should allow yourself to open up to someone. If it wasn't me that's fine" she said putting her hand over mine

She was such a sweetheart. This is why I could never hate her or not want her in my life.

"I'm truly sorry for how I treated you at times. I tried very hard to feel something" I said to her

"I know you did" she said softly "and I know you didn't want to hurt me which shows me that you do care about me"

"I really do. I'm sorry I couldn't say it back to you back then but I want you to know I do love you" I said and she smiled so bright

"I know it's not in the way that you wanted me to but I love having you in my life" I said

"I love you too Y/n" she said leaning over to hug me tightly

Did we just get some closure?

When we pulled away I took a few more spoonfuls of my colorful breakfast

"I do think Sabrina is good for you" she said "I really like her"

I just blushed a bit

"You really should try at least" she said

"We haven't discussed anything but only time will tell" I said

In the midst of our conversation more people started coming down and before we knew it time flew and we were at the festival grounds already

The last few days we would wait to meet up with Camila's friends group and Sabrina's friends group but we decided to just be to ourselves and head straight for stages we wanted to see

We spent the entire start of the festival watching sets and performances. A little past noon we got hungry and decided to go get something to eat

In between those sets I did run into Sabrina and we hung out a little but she said she had some friends to see backstage so I didn't even question it. She did her own thing today and that was completely fine.

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now