Loki x reader

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~ Another one-shot written by Crazy Biscuit. (。・ω・。) ~


Today is my first day in the famous guild 'fairy tail'!!! I'm so happy!! I always wanted to join!! I walked out of my room, it was raining really hard and the wind was blowing!! Darn it!! Ohh did I forgot to tell you? I have really bad luck!! I always did!! Anyway, I got out of the building and started walking next to the river, when I saw big waves forming next to me from the wind. I draw away, a little, from the river but then I saw a small kid being bullied next to the river. Since I was young I loved superheroes and that's why I would never ignore someone in need!! I rushed towards the little boy. "What are you doing? You should be friends, not fight!!" I started shouting at the bullies, who were also kids. "Tss you won't get away next time!!" they said running away.

"Are you ok?" I asked the little boy.

"ye-" he couldn't finish his answer as he fell in the water. I jumped in the water to save him but that's when my bad luck would butt in!! I hugged the boy to take it to the surface when I remember that I didn't know how to swim!! I was a fire-magic wizard and hated water. I almost lost consciousness when I felt two hands wrapping around my waist! The hands pulled me out of the water along with the boy.


"Are you ok?" I asked the little boy

"Yes, thank you nice lady" He said and ran to his mother. I turned to thank the stranger. I turned around to face a shirtless, muscular back. "Thanks for-" I stopped when I noticed the fairy tail tattoo on his back. "-You're in fairy tail?" I said excited with sparkles in my eyes. He wore his short-sleeved T-shirt.

"Yes" He said with confidence and hugged me, putting his hand across my waist. "I'm joining today too" I said with a big smile on my face when I felt something on my hips. "YOU, YOU PERVERT!!!" I shouted punching him with my fire fist. I send him flying but he landed on his feet.

"Don't be so cruel miss.... "

"(Y/N). And yes, I'll be cruel to a perverted stranger like you!!!"

"I have a name you know!-" He told me giving me a puppy look."- I'm Loki"

I face-palmed myself. "I'm leaving! I have to go to the guild!!" I said leaving, not waiting for a reply.

"Hey!! Wait, I'm going to the guild too!! Lets go together" He said with an innocent, angelic smile. My heart skipped a beat. I blushed. It must be because I was surprised that he can smile like a normal person, I tried to convince myself..................... but of course it didn't work! It never does!! So why do I keep doing it? I really don't know.

"What are you spacing out for? Come on Lets go" he said pulling my hand.

"Wait!" I said tightening my grip on his hand.

"What's wrong?-" He said with the same angelic smile as before. "-are you cold by any chance? It's still raining you know!!" he said with his innocent voice.

"Do you want me to hug you and warm you up??" He continued. Ohh no his perverted self is back!!

"No-" I said looking at the ground. "-I just wanted to thank you for before-" I said rubbing my hands against each other uncomfortably, while looking at the ground, blushing. "-So.............. Thank you" I said raising my head from the ground. I smiled at him unconsciously.

Loki's POV

She smiled at me. She's really cute, I want to eat her!!

~One month later~

I arrived at the guild together with (Y/N) , when one of the girls that usually cling on me grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to a table. (Y/N) looked really uncomfortable because she still didn't know a lot of members and was really shy. I shook the girl off of me and headed towards (Y/N). Gray and Natsu were fighting as usual, when a fireball escaped and almost hit me when (Y/N) pushed me and absorbed the fire with her hand.

"Thanks sweetheart, you have good reflexes" I told her, smiling.

"Of course I do! If I didn't, I would be dead by now!!" My eyes widened

"What do you mean?" I asked surprised

"Since I was little only bad luck surrounded me! I'm on the verge of dying every day! That's why you shouldn't come near me! For your own good!! Maybe it would be better for everyone if I just died!!" Her face gloomed. Now I'm really angry with the bastard that made her think that!! I took her away from the crowd, because I didn't want to cause a scene. I grabbed her shoulders with both my hands and shouted at her.

"What the h*ll are you saying!! Nobody would be happy if you died! What about the people, who hold you dear? Wouldn't they be sad?!"

"Don't worry! There's no one like that!" She was on the verge of crying

"There is!!-" I told her in a Strong voice "-Me" I looked at her gently. The tears she was holding poured out of her eyes! It reminded me of the rain on the day we met! She hugged me tightly burring her face in my chest. I hugged her back. Her knees became weak,making her kneel down, along with me. Then I stood up, scooping her up in my arms. I kissed her passionately, I forced her mouth open with my tongue and entered her mouth. She had a strawberry taste. After two seconds, she started kissing me back giving me courage to kiss her lips even more than before. We broke our kiss to breath. I pushed my forehead against hers and told her gently "I love you, you know!! You stole my heart, but it's yours to keep it!!" She blushed and hugged me tightly. "I love you too" she whispered in my ear, forming a tickling sensation.


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