natsu X reader

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Somewhere in magnolia there was a cliff were only 2 people knew. Natsu and you.

That place relaxed you and helped you finding solutions. Natsu on the other hand was coming for fun. Because you were going he wanted to go too. From the age of 7 when you found the cliff till now you have been going together. Today for the first time you went alone.

Natsu's POV

I can't find (Y/N). Why would she go somewhere without me? I know sometimes she wants to be alone but at least she could tell me where she was going so I wouldn't be worried.

Without noticing I had come to the cliff. There stood (Y/N) looking at the sunset but her mind was somewhere else.

I went behind her and hugged her. "What are you thinking?"

I asked her almost whispering.

"Ohh hey Natsu. Another part of memory came back!" she said happily.

(Y/N) last year hit her head on a rock in a mission while saving a kid from a mountain who had been kidnapped. The kid was in the edge of the cliff and fell. (Y/N) fell too on purpose and covered the kid with her body so it wouldn't get hurt. In result when they finally hit ground (Y/N) broke a leg and hit her head in a rock and lost her memory. Some months ago she remembered our names. This month she had remembered almost everything. Expect of our time together. She knew who was I and that I'm important to her but she didn't know why. Of course I would be important. I was her boyfriend after all but she doesn't remember it. We have been dating for 3 years. She remembers all the guild members but not me...

(Y/N)'s POV

As I was sitting on the cliff and looking at the sunset some pictures came in my mind.


A small natsu came running on me.

"Nasu what happened?" I asked him. Nasu?

"(Y/N) I found something." He grabbed my hand and we went to the Sakura trees in the center of magnolia.

He pointed the Sakura.

"Look up there."

On the Sakura tree was a black koneko. It was scared.

"Nasu help me." I climbed the tree and took the koneko.

"Natsu I'm coming down!" I yelled and put the koneko in my jacket.

I went down and sat on the grass with Natsu.

"Look Natsu." I said taking out the koneko."it's so small."

Natsu's eyes were sparkling.

"Nasu you like cats?"

He blushed a little.

"! Not at all." and got up.

I giggled and he got angry.

"Natsu you're Kawai." I said and got up.

I could see his ears red.

"Ohhhh look." he said pointing a black neko.

The koneko meowed and I let it down. It went running to his mother.

I went next to natsu and looked the nekos joining the other ones.

I turned to tell natsu something  but stopped when I looked his sad smile.

"Will our dragons come back?" he asked. I looked down sad.

All the dragons disappeared one day and left us alone.

"Of course Natsu." I said and hugged him. There's only hope.

~Back to the present~

I was back to the cliff.

Someone came from behind and hugged me

"What are you thinking?" I voice said. I turned my head and saw Natsu. Lii

"Ohhh hey Natsu. Another part of my memory came back." I said smiling.

"What did you remember?" he asked sitting next to me.

"When we were small and we found a koneko."

He looked me surprised and then smiled.

"I think it's a special memory." I told him and looked again the sunset.

"(Y/N)." I turned. "Here." and he put a purple flower in my hair.

"As I thought. Beautiful." My face felt hot.

Suddenly I felt dizzy and everything became Black.

Natsu's POV

I saw (Y/N) blushing but suddenly she fell on me.

"Oi (Y/N) !!"

"Wake up!"

She finally opened her eyes and met mine. Her eyes became watery and she started crying.

"Sorry." She said.

(Y/N)'s POV

After I collapsed I remembered everything. All the memories I had with natsu. How I fell in love with him, how he became my boyfriend.. Everything! The thing with the flower, he had done it before. We were on Holidays with the Guild. We had gone camping. Gramps had told us to find a river. Next to the river we had found many flowers.

Natsu took one and put it in my hair.

"It looks good on you." He said smiling and we went back to the others. That's how I fell in love.

I opened my eyes and saw a worried natsu.

I started crying. How could I forget the most important person in my life!?

"Sorry.. "I whispered putting my face in my hands.

"(Y/N)?" he asked worried.

"Sorry for forgetting Nasu."

I whipped my tears and hugged him.

"You remembered!?" he asked shocked with a big smile on his face.

He grabbed me and got up spinning me around laughing.

"Natsuuu I will throw up. Not so fast."

He stopped and kissed my forehead. "Sorry love, I'm just happy."

"I know." I said. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

He let me down and put his arms around me hugging me tightly.

We broke the kiss and smiled.

"Welcome back (Y/N)!"

He said and I giggled from the comment.

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