Take a breath

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That night I went home and just laid in bed for hours.
I finally went to bed around 2 AM and surprisingly woke up around eight.

I took a quick shower, and then I started to bike over to John B's.

My mind was quiet the entire morning I was getting ready.

I wanted to think about the ways that I could maybe help JJ in this situation he put himself in but like I said, my mind was just blank.

As I bike into John B's driveway, I just tossed my it into the grass. I walk around the side by the shack because I could hear his chickens chirping, and decided that I wanted to go check them out before I went inside.

And as I was abt to make my way to the coop out of nowhere, I felt someone come up behind me.

Grab me under my chest and put there hand on my mouth.

"Shh shh" is all I could hear.

I tried to squirm but after 30 seconds I gave up.

I started to realize that it was JJ.

I pushed him off of me.

"What the fuck you guys" I say fixing my hair from my face.

"JJ!!" him now looking at me.

"How the hell are u even here right now" I say fixing his hair.

"Long story, wrong time"

John b grabbed my wrist and pulled me down below the grass line.

"Look there" he points
"And there"

Black trucks.

"There watching us" JJ says

"Who ?" I responded burrowing my eye brows.

" I don't know let's go sneak around the dock"

JJ now grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the shack.

John b started to walk into the water.
"We gotta go this way"

I stopped, my arm being pulled away from jjs.

"Y/n come on?" JJ says back to me, him now ankles deep.

Like I said before water scares me, and this water especially.

"I can't go in that JJ"

He walked up and once again grabbed my arm.

"You'll be fine I promise, just hold my hand and close ur eyes, think about something that makes you happy"
"Like me naked"

I smacked his arm and took a deep breath and nodded.

I am not scared of drowning in this water. I am just scared of how I can't see what I'm stepping on or what I might walk into.

He leads me ahead and I try to breath.

"Wait wait wait" JJ stops, I walk into his back.
"u got the keys?"He questions John b.


We had put our bags in the top of our heads to stop them from getting wet.

It was hard for me because I had to hold it with one hand, my other was squeezing jjs.

We made it and grabbed the rope and pulled our selves up.

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя