Red solo cup

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Little note it's been a while since I've watched season one, so I remember a little but so I don't really know what this scene is supposed to be like but.. not 100%😭😭

As we were sitting in the back of the van I zoned out on JJ rolling a j before we got there.

"Do you seriosuly have to do that?" Key said to him with a little disgust.

"Actually yes, yes I do" he said with a little smile while putting it in his mouth.

I just smiled a little and looked to the front to see if we were close.

"JJ u didn't bring the gun right"

Key asked him.

He paused.

"No Kiara no I didn't bring the gun" he said with a little sass.

As we drove a little longer I could hear some music faintly in the back round.


We hopped out of the van and started to walk towards the group of people around a fire.

Everyone was mostly here.

I grabbed a drink and walked over to the group.

As I was walking I could see Sarah Cameron off in the distance. Looking more perfect then ever.

I've known her for most of my life. She's either a really sweet girl or a spoiled bitch.

Both can be annoying.

She's also dating Topper.

And her older brother is Rafe Cameron.

But anyway.

I talked with Kiara for a bit then to some kids I know from school.

"Hey y/n I didn't think you would actually show" I heard from behind me.

I turned around to see kelce, top, rafe and some of there other friends.

"Oh well u made it seem like so much fun"
"Me and key couldn't resist"

"Well I see you brought the 3 stooges with you aswell" the guys started to chuckle at toppers joke behind him.

I could feel some bodies come up behind me.

"What are you doing topper" JJ said while blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Oh nothing,"

I took a sip from my drink and then saw Rafe looking at me dead on.

He had his hair down and it was slightly moving from the wind.

His eyes pericing once again.

I stared back, but lost it after a couple seconds and came back to reality.

I noticed that Sarah had came over because now John b and topper were arguing.

Topper being the hot head he is grabbed john b by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground.

We all backed up a little but other people started to get closer.

It started to get pretty bad, topper winning through most of it.

As I was backing away to set my drink down on an old trees trunk, I tripped over a dumb stick wedged into the sand.

I was trying to get up when I felt a pair of hands placed out in front of me.

I look up to see Rafe.

" you good?" he asked with a little bit of a goofy small smile.

He helped me up
I felt a bit startled.

I turned my head to see Rafe holding my now empty solo cup out to give it to me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine"

I took my cup from him.

"You should go help your friend" he says.

When I looked over topper had john bs head under the water.

I then ignored Rafe and ran over to where every one was watching.

I felt a body come up behind me.

Hot breath hit my neck.

I was so distracted by him I didn't even think.

Gun shot.

I heard screams.

And all I saw was JJ pointing a gun in the air.

"JJ WHAT THE FUVK" u can hear topper say

"Let him go" JJ now pointing the gun at toppers head.

Topper let off right away and John b came up for air.

He stuffed the gun in the back of his pants.

"JJ why would you bring the gun!?!?"

"You should be glad that I did I just his saved life!"

I ran down to John b and helped him get up.

We could hear sirens.

We ran as fast as we could to the Twinkie and drove off before the cops could see us leave.

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerWhere stories live. Discover now