
306 8 2

I woke up in my room.

Head spinning, and confused on what exactly happened last night.

But I felt one thing,
and it was guilt.

Last night I could of maybe done something to help John b.

Or even have stopped JJ from making that horrible mistake.

But no, I was with rafe cameron one of the biggest douchers on figure 8.

And I don't even know why I keep seeing him in a different light.

He's still his same old hateful self.

*buzz buzz*

I heard from somewhere in my room.

"Where is my phone" I say while lifting up sheets and blankets.

Once I finally found it, I saw that kei had texted me.

"Hey you up?"

I rubbed my eyes before responding.

"Yeah I'm up, wtf happend last night?"

"Come over , need to talk asap"

"Alright see you in 20"

I shut my phone off.

I grabbed my bathing suit and put some overalls over it.

I hopped on my bike and I was off.


I stopped and looked around. I had to squint because the Sun was so bright.

"Yeah?" I yelled to the person I see now is my dad.

"I want you back by 7"
"And where are you going?"

"Just to kiara's"

"Well alright have a good time"

I gave him a thumbs up and started to peddle.

I knocked at the door.

I few seconds later kiara's mom came to the door.

"Oh hey y/n" she said with a smile

"Hello mrs Carrera"
"Is kei here?"

"Oh yes she's up stairs"

I smiled and walked past her and jogged up to her room.

As I got closer I could hear bob Marley playing, and when I opened the door I saw Kiara at her mirror picking at some zits on her face.

"Hey" I yelled a little

She jumped

"Hahah" I say as i fall on her bed.

I always loved kiaras room. It was so pretty and always smelled so good.

She turned down her speaker.

"What do think is gonna happend to JJ and John b?" I asked her as she sat down. Ready to start talking.

"Not sure yet I'm a little worried tho, mostly for JJ, if someone snitch's and says that he had the gun, he's gonna end up like his dad"

"Behind bars" I say.


We sat there for about 30 mins just talking about random things.

"Do u wanna head over to john bs to see what there doing?"

"Yeah sounds good"

She changes into a pair of shorts and a baggy t - shirt.

We grabbed our bikes and talked as we biked to John bs.

Btw I'm now re watching outer banks.
And as I keep watching it, the more I realize I was so off with my story line. And I'm genuinely sorry for that.😭😭 but now that I'm re-watching it I'm gonna try to go off of what is actually happening.

Hope you like so far👍

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerWhere stories live. Discover now