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Me and Rafe are driving to his house.

It's about a 10 minute drive.

The radio was just playing some music.

"So what are we having for dinner" I ask breaking the silence.

"Uhh nothing much, I just got a nice lobster dinner, oysters, and so on and so on"

"Nothing much" "what do you mean"

He just laughed.

I roll down the window to watch the water as we drive by.

The wind blew through my hair as I watched the boats pull in for the night.

I felt something grab my thigh as I was looking out.

I tried to ignore it and try to seem nonchalant.

He turned the music up as we kept going.

He was moving his thumb up and down on my inner thigh.

God it felt wonderful.

I don't know what rafe was trying to do but I hopped he would never stop.

But soon we pulled up to his house.

It seeming quiet which wasn't something that always happened at the Cameron house hold.

Once we got in side the lights turned on.

I turned around to see rafe having his hands in the light switch and taking his shoes off.

I set my bag down and took my coat off.

"Hey where can I set this" I ask him about my coat.

"Just over ther- wow" he says In awh.

"What" I say laughing at his face.

"You, your dress I mean"
"I love it"

I smiled.

"Thank you"

He grabbed my coat and just held it in his arms.

"I guess it's time for that tour" he says

"I guess it is"

He took me all around the house.

And it was my cardio for the day Jesus.

He showed me his dads office, the kitchen, so on and so on.

All that was left was his own bed room.

"Saving the best for last huh Cameron"

"Of course"

He opens the door and his room is fairly clean for a guy.

He had a nice big bed and a big window.

I walked into the bathroom it was all matte finished.

Nice big beautiful shower.

"Wow this shower is beautiful" I say

"You'll have to try it some day" he says with a smirk.

I just smile and roll my eyes.

"I think dinner is just about done" he says


We walk down stairs to his dinning room filled with a beautiful lobster dinner.

"Wow caviar, I've always wanted to try that"

"Dig in"

We both sit down on the opposite end of the table and eat with having light conversation.

"Also" he says while grabbing his nap kin and wiping his hands.

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerWhere stories live. Discover now