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We're the pouges, and our mission this summer is to have a good time,
All the time.

I jolted up from the hard mattress I was sleeping on.

I could hear the roosters out in john b's yard, probably waking up the whole town.

The town to be specific is the obx or outer banks.
Paradise on earth.

I've lived here my whole life.
On the cut with my dad and old brother.

My best friends are John B routledge, Kiara Carrera, JJ Maybank, and Pope Heyward.

I first met Kiara at the kook school my father saved up for. I don't know for how long but I don't think it was worth it,
But during the school year we were both out casts at a certain point and just got along from that.

I then met the group soon after and we've been together ever since.

Me and JJ have always had a flirty friend ship. He's always either after me or Kiara.

I either think it's funny or I go along,
It's always fun with the guys.

Pope and John B are the more calm and collective ones, more of thinking before they do.

Me and John b have always had  an on and off duo/friendship.

Sometimes I'd be at his house for a week,. Then I wouldn't show up at all.

it's not like we didn't like each-other but we just had other plans I guess, but thankfully it's never awkward.

lastly with pope we have the weakest relationship compared to the rest, but I'm hoping that will change very soon. He's always very kind to me, and really to anyone. He's practically a genius, I mean he has the scholar ship coming up, I just hope he doesn't mess it up.

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora