29. why

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i couldn't believe my eyes, adelina was right in front of me. i haven't seen her in person since we broke up.

she looked so happy, drinking her alcohol. i didn't even realize it but i was staring at her the entire time, when my eyes caught her, they never dared to look away.

she ran to the dance floor after her friends dragged her, i didn't even know i was smiling until andre came up to me and tapped me.

"what are you smiling about?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "nothing." i spoke before taking a sip of my drink.

"this isn't alcohol right?" i asked, making sure. andre rolled his eyes before nodding, "this was supposed to be us getting drunk and celebrating the fact i'm getting married, i forgot you were so boring!" he sighed dramatically.

he begged me to get here with an uber so i can drink without worrying about driving but i didn't want to, i hate drinking at all costs.

i couldn't help but look back at adelina, my smile faded when i noticed a drunken man all over her. she looked she was having a panic attack as she tried to push him off of her.

i quickly dropped my drink and ran over to the dance floor, i could still hear andre's voice, asking me where i was going.

i ran over to the man, pulling him by his collar before punching him across his face. everyone around us, taking a step back.

i was going to let it go but remembered adelina's face as she tried to push him off, i began to kick him multiple times, how dare he touch her and be pleasured by the fact she was uncomfortable.

i stopped when she put her hand on me, touching me for the first time in years. it was almost like it changed my entire spirit, i turned my head to look at her.

her face fell as she looked back at me, taking a step back and beginning to run off. i cursed under my breath before following after her.

i found her next to the club, she was sitting down and hiding her face. i couldn't believe i was the reason for her tears once again.

"adelina.." i spoke softly, trying to comfort her.

she quickly stood up, making me flinch as i was attempting to touch her shoulder.

"don't touch me!" she fought back in between tears, pointing at me. i slowly stood up, keeping my eyes on her.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? why— why did you fight for me back there? why didn't you leave me like that!?" she asked, stepping closer to me as she pushed me.

i stayed quiet, letting her mess with me. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" she asked again, hitting me repeatedly.

"adelina.." i spoke again, she quickly shut me up, shaking her head.

"go away, joão." she closed her eyes, turning away from me and walking over to her car.

i ran over to her, holding her by her wrist. "you can't drive, you're drunk." i spoke quickly, she glared at me before locking her car.

i noticed she didn't brush my hand off of her so i let go of her, making sure she never even realized.

"i can give you a ride home." i suggested, she looked up at me in disbelief.

"you're full of bullshit." she shook her head, taking out her phone and walking away once again.

i sighed, walking over to my car. i pretended that i was doing something busy in my car but i was really just watching her, i felt relieved when an uber came by and she got in safely.

COINCIDENCE - JOÃO FÉLIXWhere stories live. Discover now