28. split

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i chuckled slightly, still hoping the words that had just come out of his mouth were a huge joke.

his face stayed the same, he was watching my every move, concerned for me.

"what do you mean?" i asked, i knew exactly what he had meant but i just couldn't believe it.

i couldn't help but think it was something i did, or something i didn't do. he looked away from me, letting my tears shed.

"don't say it, joão. please don't do this." i broke down into tears, my voice shaky.

he closed his eyes, not daring to look me in the eye. i noticed as his tears fell down his face as well, it only made me realize this was actually happening.

"i'm sorry." he apologized, lowering his head again. "please, joão. don't apologize, tell me this is all a huge joke. don't leave me like this."

i held onto him, it was like he was already fading away from me. he wouldn't even look at me once, was he disgusted with me?

"why are you doing this? why would you make me move in with you and tell me you love me if you're gonna throw this all away!? why would you do that to me?"

"i do love you! i'm not throwing it away. i just can't be what you need right now, adelina." he shook his head, finally opening up his eyes.

"NO! don't even say my name. you don't know what i need! you don't know me!" my sadness turned into anger, i didn't even know why.

i couldn't believe i was losing him, i couldn't believe we were at the end of our relationship.

i ran all the way upstairs, locking the door after me. he followed me, yelling my name.

"adelina, please open up the door!" he spoke, knocking on the door.

my head was pounding, i walked over to my suitcases as i held back the tears that were about to fall.

i began to pack my clothes quickly, still crying. it hurt more hearing his voice, why was he acting like he still cared?

if he cared about me, he would talk to me, let me fight for us, not throw all of it away.

i didn't hear his voice anymore after i finished packing, as i dragged my suitcases, i looked at myself in the room.

i was about to walk away when my heart stopped, i looked down, noticing my necklace.

my tears began to fall even more, remembering the moment.

he opened up the jewelry box revealing a moon necklace. my eyes brightened, it was the most beautiful necklace i have ever seen.

"my heart has been full of love ever since you came into my life, adelina." joão said, looking up at me.

"i love you, joão." i spoke, softly as i looked into his eyes. "you do?" he asked with a small smile.

"more than anything." i said, confidently.

he chuckled, crashing his lips onto mine. "i love you more than you'll ever know." he said back, pulling away.

was it all a lie to him? i angrily took off my necklace, it felt like a piece of my heart had left with it.

i opened up the door, noticing joão right in front of me. he had that guilty look on his face, his eyes were red and puffy.

"listen to me, please." he spoke with a shaky voice, i shook my head.

he noticed the suitcases behind me, causing his face to drop. "where are you going?" he asked, worried.

COINCIDENCE - JOÃO FÉLIXWhere stories live. Discover now