21. family

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i woke up at around nine in the morning, joão wasn't in bed anymore.

i got up, stretching before picking up my phone. the bathroom door opened up, revealing a shirtless joão. he only had his sweatpants on.

"good morning." he said with a soft smile, looking over at me. i smiled back, walking over to him. i tippytoed, pecking him on the cheek before hugging him.

he held me in his arms for a few minutes before his alarm went off, making him let go of me.

i walked over to the bathroom and freshened up.

joão and i ordered some breakfast and then i decided to take a shower until it got to our room.

the food arrived when i came out of the room, i walked and sat in front of joão.

he won't even touch his food, he kept pretending to look fine but i knew he was nervous about today. it would be his first appearance at a world cup and he wanted to do well.

i reached out, holding his hand with a smile. "i'm so proud of you, joão." i spoke, lightly. he smiled back before pecking me. "come on, you should eat. you need food to do great today." i spoke again, he nodded.

i waited for him to pick up his food and take a bite before beginning to eat as well. the team was having breakfast together but he said he wanted to spend his time in our room instead.

i understood because he didn't really think he would be able to eat due to his nerves.

after breakfast, we got ready to leave for the game. i wore joão's jersey, i knew he was going to do well today.

"my parents and brother are already in their seats, let's go." he said, looking away from his phone. i nodded, holding his hand. i definitely needed to be here for him, especially today.

we made it to the bus where the team was all sitting in their seats, they were all talking with each other as music played in the background.

georgina noticed me, waving at me. i waved back with a smile before going over to my seat. i let joão take the window seat, he put his head on my shoulder and held my hand.

"i'm so excited for you to meet them." he whispered making me smile. "i'm excited too."

"adelina," he spoke again, i looked back at him, letting him know that i'm listening. he looked into my eyes before continuing "i'll make sure to score for you." he spoke, softly before kissing my hand.

before we even knew it, we already made it to the stadium. the entire team walked out, saying goodbye to their friends and family before going to their locker room.

joão walked me to his family, it was a group of three. his brother seemed to notice us, tapping his parents.

they looked up, noticing us as well. i'm so scared right now oh my god.

the mom stood up, walking over and hugging joão. she kissed his forehead before asking how he is. he looked super shy which made me smile.

she turned her attention to me, caressing my face before wrapping her arms around me. i almost cried into her arms, this is the first time i have been hugged by a mother in years.

"you look even more beautiful in real life!" she said, admiring me. "thank you!" i said, matching her energy. i was super shy to say the least.

joão hugged his dad and brother before having to leave and running out of the nosebleed section.

his mother put her arms around me as she guided me to the rest of his family. his dad wrapped his arms around me into a light hug, "it's so nice to finally meet you! i'm carlos, this is carla and hugo." he said, pointing to each one of them.

COINCIDENCE - JOÃO FÉLIXWhere stories live. Discover now