"Is that a reward system?" I ask laughing

"Yep. She gets one right and we get Hershey kisses. She gets one wrong then we have to give both of ours to Danny" rose says and Danny laughs when I look at him surprised.

"I haven't had to take too many from them. Y/ns like a freak genius." Danny says. "But I do have to make it home to watch the game with my roommate. He's superstitious." He says rolling his eyes and we both laugh.

"Danny boy thank you so much for the study sessions." Y/n says standing to walk him out.

"No problem y/n. We still have one more next week right? The day before the exam?" He asks.

"You betcha" she says and walks him to the elevator.

"How was studying with mama?" I ask Rose

"I didn't understand what they were talking about mostly but I got to draw on this a lot and have some chocolate!" She says pointing to the little whiteboard that's on her lap.

"That sounds somewhat fun" I say

"It was mommy. Don't worry mama always makes it fun" she says and I feel a little less guilty for not being able to pick her up.

Y/n walks back in her office and starts cleaning up the dinner trash and putting away her cards. "What do you guys say we grab some ice cream on the way home?" She suggests and as Rose didn't have enough sugar she bounces off the wall again in excitement squealing YESSSS

I give y/n a look like 'are you sure that's a good idea' and see her trying to back track in her mind how she is going to get out of this. She gathers her briefcase and we all walk out of the office together. "Come in my car" she asks when we reach the cars.

"But what about my car?"

"We can pick it up tomorrow, I don't have to be in the office and I can drive you to set in the morning. Please I want to hold your hand as I drive" she says in the sweetest voice so how could I say no.

"Sure honey" I say and we walk to her car. She puts Rose in her seat and buckles her in and I slip in the passenger seat but she does come into my side and buckle me up.

"I can manage that myself ya know?" I tease

"My job" she says and kisses my cheek before closing the door.

The whole car ride her hand doesn't leave my body. Whether she's stroking the knuckles on my hand or softly rubbing my thigh or even playing with my hair between her fingers she is always touching me. I notice her take the long way home and wonder if she has a plan I'm not in on?

"I missed you these past couple days. I feel like there's been a lot going on and we haven't seen each other more than a couple hours at night" she says

"I know. I missed you too but I always miss you." I laugh which makes her smile.

"Can I come to work with you tomorrow?" She asks

"Of course you can, are you hiding from something though?" I ask cautiously because she never gets a day off and I doubt she wants to spend it on set.

"Robert." She laughs. "He wants me to go over his house for a meeting and I'm just not in the mood for that." She says

"A meeting?" I ask

"Like Alcohol Anonymous. He thinks I should start talking about it even though I've told him I'm talking to Melanie I just don't think it's good to mess with what I've progressed with so far." She says

"Hmm. I think it would be good for you to see others struggling with what you are struggling with. But at the same time therapy was such a big step for you so I get it if the meeting would be too much too soon." I say

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now