Ch.13: Salt Lake City

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Y/n was awoken by gunshots ringing from near the house. The boy rose to his feet, quickly taking notice of Ellie's absence. Fearing the worst, he picked up the revolver and rushed to garage. Inside was one of their two stallions. "Fuck!" Y/n exclaimed as he returned to the living room area and peaked out of a window. Outside on the street were a group of men. "She went down that way!" One them informed. "Follow the tracks."

Without hesitation, Y/n shot a round and killed one of the men. The other two took cover behind a car and began to return fire. Y/n dropped to the floor and flipped over a coffee table and pressed it against the wall. He crawled over to the door and opened it slightly. Y/n saw the feet of the men from underneath the car and fired two bullets. Both men jumped to their feet and made a dash to find other cover, but Y/n used his last two bullets to kill them. Y/n sighed in relief and stood straight.

A creak from a nearby door caused the boy to turn towards the source, only to find Joel standing by the frame. "Joel!" Y/n exclaimed as he joined the man's side. "Hey kiddo." He smiled weakly. Y/n grew happy at the sight of his friend now nearing recovery, however his smile turned to a face of seriousness. "No time to talk. Can you walk?" "Uh... Yeah." "Think you can shoot?" "Yes." "Then let's go get Ellie."

Y/n took Joel's hand and lead him into the garage. The boy tried his hardest to lift the door open and succeeded with Joel's aid. "Mind explaining what's going on and where Ellie is?" Questioned Joel. "I'll explain on the way. Hop on."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Y/n repeated to himself. "Y/n, what's going on?" "When you were knocked out, Ellie and I went into the woods to hunt for some food. We ran across these two guys who wanted our buck. We agreed in exchange for medicine. As it turns out, those guys were grouped up with the fuckers who attacked us at the University." "Shit."

Y/n pulled the reins which caused the horse to neigh loudly and halt. A gate opened from a nearby house and a group of men walked through. "Look!" One of them announced. Joel quickly took out his rifle and shot down two men. The pair jumped off their stead and hid behind cover. A gun man tried to flee, but Y/n was able to kill him. Unfortunately, the gunshots spooked their horse, causing it to flee. "Damnit." Cursed Y/n.

"Gotcha asshole!" Shouted a man who grabbed Joel from behind. "Joel!" Y/n aimed his gun at the man, only for another to tackle Y/n to the ground. Joel headbutted his aggressor and slammed his head against a stone foundation of a nearby house. He turned to the man strangling Y/n and put him in a choke hold. "How do you like it, huh?" He whispered into the man's ear. "Catch your breathe." Joel told Y/n who gasped for air. "You're coming with me."

Joel had dragged the two men into a house and tied one to a chair and tied the other's arms. Joel had incapacitated the man's legs and shoved him to a corner in the room, away from his comrade. "What do want?" Whimpered the man on the chair as he overheard the grunts from his friend and the punches landing from Joel. "You wait here." Joel walked over to the man on the chair with a map and Y/n's knife in hand. "Now... the girl... is she alive?" "What girl? I don't know no girl." Joel thrusted the knife into the man's knee, causing him to scream in agony. "Focus right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off. The girl." "She's alive." The man cried. "She's David's newest pet." Y/n seared with fury. "WHAT!?" He boomed. "Where?" Joel questioned, digging the knife deeper into the knee. "In the town. In the town."

Joel removed the knife and placed the handle inside the man's mouth. "Now you're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the exact spot your buddy points to." The man used the blood soaked knife to mark a spot on the map. "It's right there." He said, spitting the knife out. "You can verify it. Go ask him. I ain't lying. I ain't lying." Joel rose to his feet and walked over to the man's friend, not before stopping and snapping his neck. "Fuck you man, he told you what you wanted." Cried the other. Joel picked up a lead pipe. "I ain't telling you shit." "That's alright. I believe him." "No wait!" Joel swung the pipe down onto the man's head, killing him instantly. Joel turned to Y/n who wore an angered expression. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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